This is how anxious I have been lately - just doing a 30 day meme is freaking me out. I'm trying to get over it.
Although I've read a lot of books more than three times, they're mostly books I read as a child. As an adult, I'm not a big rereader. So I will go with The Secret Garden, by Frances Hodgson Burnett, which I read approximately 84902849230 times between ages 10-13. I was fascinated with the idea of GARDENS behind WALLS.
Again, as an adult, I don't read a lot of series books, so I will have to go to my childhood for this again. (I briefly thought about saying Naguib Mahfouz's Cairo Trilogy, but I'm not quite that pretentious.) I'll say the entirety of L.M. Montgomery's Anne series. I know everyone has read the first book, Anne of Green Gables, but there are MORE. And I read them ALL, MANY, MANY TIMES, until my copies fell apart and the covers fells off.
Oh, how could I choose? I love all of Anne's adventures, in Avonlea, when she goes to college and is Anne of the Island, Ingleside, in her little House of Dreams, etc. But I am going to say Rilla of Ingleside is probably actually my favorite. IDEK, since it's not really about Anne at all, I guess I just liked knowing that the story continues. Also, it's largely about World War I, which totally fascinated 11-year-old me.
I nearly cried when Walter dies omgggggg. But Jem lived and came back yayyyyyy!
Fffff this is hard to answer. I like books so much! I'll say The Name of the Rose, by Umberto Eco, because it just delighted me so completely. I just couldn't put it down, I was so happy to be reading such a good book.
I read a lot of non-fiction about horrible things so, let's see, I'll go with First They Killed My Father, by Loung Ung, a memoir of growing up in Pol Pot's Cambodia. I cried copious tears while reading this book.
I'm also (probably foolishly) doing the love meme; my thread is