Let's talk about Tumblr.

Oct 05, 2011 09:23

On LiveJournal, since Tumblr itself is actually a terrible place for discussion.

What the hell is up with obvious bot tumblr accounts? Sometimes they lead to porn accounts, but sometimes they lead to very boring accounts of random pictures that quite obviously don't belong to actual people because actual people tend to include a lot more personalization.

WHAT IS THE POINT OF THIS? I can't even tell what the point of the porn tumblrs is, because they don't lead you to any obvious place where you can spend money. If they're spamming, it's really highly ineffective spamming.

And what is with the liking and then unliking and reblogging and then unreblogging things? For instance, I posted a picture. Tumblr claims that there are 41 notes on this picture now. If you look though, there are 5. Because so many people liked and then unliked it.


So confusing.

tumblr, internetting is complicated

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