Because she did the best at my completely stupid poll yesterday.
The answers:
"Hi. We're in....Delaware."
This is from Wayne's World, you guys! Everyone failed at this. I'm disappoint.
"You made me bleed my own blood!"
Okay, most people got this right. I am proud of you.
"Why you stuck-up, half-witted, scruffy-looking nerf-herder!"
Most people got this right, too. Yay, Empire Strikes Back! Best of the Star Wars movies.
"I call the big one Bitey!"
sparseparsley got this right. It's kind of sad that my flist apparently does not have the entire monorail episode of the Simpsons memorized. (Which was once sneakily referenced on an episode of SPN, btw.)
"I'll build my own amusement park! With blackjack! And hookers!"
Bender, from Futurama. ♥
"Sam, of course, is an abomination."
This was a gimme. :)
"Darmok and Jalad at Tanagra."
Click to view
"It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood."
Duh. :DDD