Haven't watched SPN yet...

May 06, 2011 19:52

...but can I just say that the wildly differing reactions on my flist are giving me some rather lulzy whiplash?

Also: had a fandom interaction like this earlier today.

Person: Blah blah blah
Me: Yeah, totally, I agree!
Person: RIGHT?
Me: hahah yes.

[at which point I learn that Person has a history of being homophobic and defending it because ~Jesus hates queers it's totes in the Bible~]

Me: Oh I am so grossed out now, I didn't know you were a bigot, and here I was being all pally with you. GTFO.
Person: I am going to ignore what you just said and tell you I like your icon!!!



Also, Troy Tulowitzki just hit a home run and now the Giants are behind 1-0. ALSO DISLIKE. But it's just the second inning.

i have no idea what i'm doing, i like my silly show, the giants love to break my heart, fandom is crazy!

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