
Oct 26, 2010 19:22

dodger_sister tagged me to do a meme.

List seven habits/quirks/facts about yourself.

You're also supposed to tag more people to do the meme, but I'm not going to do that. This will be hard, I think, because I don't think I'm a very quirky person.

1. I often pepper my speech with Bulgarian phrases. Like, when I drop something, I'll probably say "opa!" instead of "oops!" or "bozhe moi!" instead of "oh my god!". I'm not sure why I do this, because I've managed to drop my other Bulgarian affectations, like backwards nodding. (Bulgarians nod their heads for no, and shake for yes.)

2. I don't either like beer or coffee. They both taste awful to me.

3. I've been a vegetarian for eleven years.

4. I talk to myself. Kind of a lot.

5. I started out in college as a music minor, but dropped it because I was so incredibly failtastic at music theory.

6. I can easily go for years without going to the movies. Nothing against movies, I enjoy them fine. Going to the theater just isn't something I do.

7. I have a tendency to be very blunt and I am not what anyone would consider a shrinking violet. Because I am an extrovert and have lots of opinions on things, I have a difficult time understanding or dealing with people who are introverted and/or have issues with social situations. Honestly, this is a major failing of mine, and I have come to regret things I've said in heated moments on many occasions. Feel free to tell me if you think I'm overstepping my boundaries. I'm working on it.

meme, me

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