There's a reason I have a hypochondria tag, okay?

Apr 22, 2010 13:25

I think I have leprosy.

There's a small growth on my left cheek that will not go away. It's been there for a couple months now. I've picked it off with my nails and it just bleeds and grows back.

It's really small and I doubt anyone else has noticed it. But it's enough to kick my hypochondria into action.

And: I actually have been in close proximity to at least one PWL ("leper" sounds awful, doesn't it?). A guy in India with major deformities to his hands panhandled my coworkers and me once, and after I left, I asked them what they thought had happened to his hands and they all shrugged and nonchalantly agreed that he had leprosy.

When my hands fall off and I can no longer type, I'll miss you all.

hypochondria, my brain is embarrassing

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