Mar 23, 2010 11:06
I wrote my Drugs & Thugs memo that isn't even due til tomorrow. \o/ I have stats tutoring lined up for this afternoon. \o/ (I mean, it won't be fun, but maybe I will understand stats better.) I sold TWO of the textbooks I had listed at \o/ I got an A on my peacebuilding presentation even though it took place two days after I got back from the Philippines and had to cram like craaaaaazy and was still jet-lagged. \o/ My group finished our IEDP paper and I never have to think about human trafficking in the Philippines EVER AGAAAAIIIINNNN! \o/ \o/ \o/
Just in case you like, missed the significance of this, we spent weeks researching this topic, then we went to the Philippines, interviewed two non-governmental organizations, two government agencies, and representatives of the US embassy, came back to America, and wrote a 30-page policy paper.
AND NOW IT'S DONE DONE DONE DONE DONE. YAAYYYY! So much work. So VERY much work. So VERY glad we're done. OTOH, it's so satisfying to be able to do that kind of work on a topic, to be able to go to the country and really get an in-depth view of the issue. It made such a huge difference on our understanding of the human trafficking situation in SE Asia. What a great experience.
Total topic change:
Lady Gaga. Not getting it. Okay, so I listened to some of her music, and this is what I've got: 1. she actually has a really good voice. 2. She has a very interesting and unique style. 3. Her music seems like it would be good to dance to.
So, cool, right? I'm just...I guess I'm not understanding the extreme love for her I'm seeing. Her music is good dance music, but it doesn't strike me as particularly meaningful or interesting. I kind of see her at about the same level of say, Beyonce or Justin Timberlake, both of whom surprised me by being very good singers who produce fun dance music that is occasionally artistically unusual and interesting. But nothing life-changing or anything like that.
I'm afraid this is coming off as me being pretentious and saying "oh, all of you people have such banal taste, unlike ME" or something, but I swear, it's not. I really feel like I'm missing something. Help me out, y'all.
i have no idea what i'm doing,
gigantic nerd,
policy nerd