Death to the person who shot my cat

Jan 13, 2017 22:23

I'm so damn pissed off!

!! I came home home from a long hungry tiring sleepy day and received the news from my dad. I saw Richard (my cat) and I asked him "where's George(his cat)? He told me he found George dead with a hole through his stomach like someone shot him... his foot was also shot because it was bleeding with a hole too.... how could anyone do that? Use a poor defenseless animal as target practice? How can anyone be so heartless? I just don't understand what's going on in their head? Why?????? I just hope that human gets what's coming to him. I hope there's a God to revenge George... I'm sad and pissed off at the same time... I want justice!!!! I hope that guy get shot and left for death in the cold rain... but who am I kidding... people always value the life of other human more no matter how cruel they are... I wanna know who did it so I can call the police and get him arrested... ugh I feel like crying but I'm too pissed off to cry aghhh fuck.

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