Aug 26, 2012 22:44
I'm very lucky to have experienced so many things in my life. Although my parents and siblings were strict they let me travel the world, play instruments, join extracurricular activities that made me a better person. And no, I don't come from a wealthy family. Although I was never good, I could always say that I was a very fast runner when I was little and was the fastest hurtle jumper at one point in my life, I was in choir, played the violin, took art classes, was in French class, academic decathlon, mesa, did gymnastics, I know how to build computers and fix them when many other kids didn't have many ambitions or although their parents were flexible, didn't let them do extra activities. No I wasn't a good student. My grades ranged from A's B's C's D's and F's. I was in detention and got threatened to be suspended and or if I didn’t stop being bad they would call my parents. So No, I'm not perfect but I take risk, I live for the moment. I know what I want and I never gave up. Even when you don’t know what you want, follow your heart (make a decision) and never give up. My parents are amazing, although I never felt as though they gave me freedom; they defiantly gave me freedom in a different way and never stopped me from advancing. Although I’ve never felt as though they supported me and never tell me they are proud, they have supported me and let me know they were proud in a different way. I love my parents so much.
I am so happy where I am, they decisions I have made and everything I have done. Everything was meant for something.