speaking of moving

Jun 07, 2007 17:20

Dude, my neighbor across the street moved! (No, not to Portland.)She told me she was going on Friday--tomorrow--but I see today that she is definitely out of there and the homeowner was over there doing work and everything, so she's totally gone, daddy, gone. I'm really disappointed that I didn't get to say goodbye to her as she was the first person we met when we moved here--such a sweet, active youngish grandma and just a great neighbor. She loaned us air mattresses the first night we were here since we didn't have our beds out yet--just offered out of the blue without even knowing us. I'm gonna miss her.

Incidentally, the reason she moved is because the homeowner is tearing down the houses (it's a duplex) so he can build more, larger and more profitable units on the lot. Just like the dude who owns the house I live in. Probably the worst thing about the place across the street though is that the lady who lives in the back house is an elderly lady (widow) who just finished treatments for cancer that she will not be able to beat after all. So she will have to move as well, while dying of cancer and living on whatever Social Security she gets (read: won't be able to afford rent elsewhere here now) and has no family locally to help her out (son lives in the Philippines).

Not that I think necessarily that the homeowner has to be responsible for housing this sweet, dying old lady, but still I think it is spectacularly shitty anyway. And I think that's probably karma you can't really ever make up for.
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