my cleanse, day one

Sep 13, 2007 12:59

I'm going to post one day's progress at a time for the sake of length.

I've thought frequently over the last few years about doing a cleanse, largely because of my eating troubles and my chronic headaches/migraines and my skin problems, but haven't ever actually done it until now. So I started Tuesday. It was rather a spontaneous decision, as in I went to the store to look for a particular kind of protein powder to help me get more calories and nutrition and they didn't have it but then the maple syrup caught my eye and I decided that this was the day I should start the cleanse.
details follow...

First I have to say that I started this post last night and then started having a really hard time and wasn't sure I could hang and so almost didn't post anything. I'm still with it though, so here it is. Also note, the point here is to cleanse your system, which involves lots of shitting. Consider yourself warned.

Day One, 9/11/07
Started the cleanse today. I had already had a cup of coffee in the morning when I went shopping and decided to just do it. I'm not sure why I decided that was the moment, but I tend to just go with these things when they strike me, so there you have it. I am following the Master Cleanse, also known as the lemon cleanse or some such thing.
Came home, got started with the salt water flush, which is nothing more than 2 tsp of non-iodized sea salt dissolved in 32 oz of water. You drink it and within an hour or so you have eliminated all the salt water and whatever it takes with it when it passes through. Very thorough, that process. Quite spectacular, really. Note: if you ever try this, do not plan on leaving the house for like an hour and a half because you do not want to be caught out and about when it is time for the salt water to leave. ;)
Salt water flush done, I totally felt all light and fluffy about the middle afterwards. That was cool. (I've totally been cleaning my arse from the wrong end.) Then I set to work with the cleansing drink you're supposed to take 6-12 times a day. It is a mixture of pure water, maple syrup, fresh squeezed lemon juice, and cayenne pepper. This is all you drink all day, with as much purified water as you want, and it is supposed to provide enough nutrients to get you through without actual food. Realized with my first batch that my tolerance for cayenne is much lower than that of the author of the recipe I had. Drank it anyway, all the while fearing for the health and safety of my arse later.
Felt fine all day, only a little hunger at dinner time but it was easy to ignore and you are supposed to drink more lemonade stuff or water if you start to feel hungry, so I did. It was all good.
Finished the day off having drank 9 glasses of the lemonade stuff, a total of 2 gallons of water drank (that's including the salt water flush, the water used in mixing the lemonade stuff and just plain water drank) and feeling pretty good but tired earlier than usual. You are supposed to drink a laxative tea at night right before bed, so I did and that was pure yuck. I don't like things that are sickly sweet and this was but I find it is possible to chug 8 oz of just about anything if you really want to. So I did it and went to bed.
Day one of my cleanse, complete.
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