
Sep 07, 2009 17:28

Whoa jeez. Some psycho soccer mom verbally bitch slapped me at work today. I supposedly didn't make her Low Cal Soy Extra Pump Double Shot Caramel Macchiato the way she liked, and according to our new policy means that she can hound me into making it over and over again until she's satisfied.

She's lucky I'm nice to my elders, and that I'd get ( Read more... )


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das_vedanya September 8 2009, 00:06:00 UTC
Is it too hard for you Americans to just appreciate straight, black coffee? Why does everything have to be two-pump chocolate, double-whip, non-fat milk, skinny vanilla? ...with sprinkles.

: screened : Sounds good to me... I just have to find a way to get rid of my little sister... what would you like to do? : /screened :


13_foundations September 8 2009, 01:28:45 UTC
... Because it tastes better...? Heh, don't knock sprinkles though~
I don't mind drinking it black, it's better then tea at least... but I'm all over having my coffee with at LEAST sugar and milk if I can.

I dunno... Hang out in the park? The weather is probably going to start sucking soon, especially with it being "the year without summer."


das_vedanya September 8 2009, 02:33:36 UTC
I'm not fond of coffee... I don't mind tea though... Vodka is better.

[screened]Yes, General winter will be coming soon... say... tomorrow afternoon?[/screened]


13_foundations September 8 2009, 03:54:23 UTC
Wow, NO coffee?! And that whole time we dated you weren't con And all this time we've known one another that's been the case?!

Tomorrow is awesome. I get out of class at like, 1:30. I can meet you there around that time.

ooc:strikes deleted


das_vedanya September 8 2009, 03:57:53 UTC
No, I'm not very fond of the taste... too bitter.

I don't have any clients... so I'm practically free all day. I'll meet you somewhere on LU campus, all right? Maybe by that big statue out front...


13_foundations September 8 2009, 04:33:42 UTC
I thought I'd deleted that... erm, sorry, I'll edit it now... [edits]
Not even when it has chocolate or caramel in it?

Sure, it's a da-....I'll see you then!


das_vedanya September 8 2009, 04:39:32 UTC
...all right.
...not even if it has chocolate or caramel on it... Alfred, are you aware of how many calories are in your Starbucks two-pump, whipped cream coffee drinks...? It's... terrifying.

Sounds like a plan~


13_foundations September 8 2009, 04:56:15 UTC
Psh, I don't need to worry about that! I work out a whole lot, and a have a fast metabolism! Besides, not all the coffee I have each day is very sugary! Sometimes I just have an expresso shot between the lunch and after school rush instead of a frap!

Be sure to wear clothes you don't mind getting a little dirty~


das_vedanya September 8 2009, 04:58:42 UTC
It's all right...
Well, that's true, I suppose. But still, I'm not nutritionist, but that stuff cannot be healthy... it stunts your growth, so the rumor goes. No wonder you're significantly shorter than I am...

Oh, Bozhe... Alfred... what are you planning?


13_foundations September 8 2009, 05:09:16 UTC
Nothin' bad has happened to me from drinking it. I mean, I get kind of shaky sometimes, but that's not a big de--I'm not that much shorter then you are! You're just super tall! It's not fair!

You'll find out tomorrow~


das_vedanya September 8 2009, 05:12:57 UTC
Well, I can't help that I'm super tall...

God... why is it that every ounce of my trust in you is failing me right now?


lentami September 8 2009, 01:56:21 UTC
I did not know you were acquainted with Alfred, brother.


das_vedanya September 8 2009, 02:33:58 UTC
I didn't know you were acquainted with him either...


lentami September 8 2009, 11:28:39 UTC
Why is it that I never see you with him? I find that very strange.


das_vedanya September 8 2009, 13:58:03 UTC
...b-because we're not that good of friends, Natasha...


lentami September 8 2009, 14:09:32 UTC
I see. Very well.


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