
Sep 07, 2009 17:28

Whoa jeez. Some psycho soccer mom verbally bitch slapped me at work today. I supposedly didn't make her Low Cal Soy Extra Pump Double Shot Caramel Macchiato the way she liked, and according to our new policy means that she can hound me into making it over and over again until she's satisfied.

She's lucky I'm nice to my elders, and that I'd get fired if I defended myself against an abusive customer.

Heck, people can steal from this place and I can't stop them! I have to watch them walk out the door with a parfait or a....a friggin' Izzy for crying out loud. I'm not supposed to cause a commotion and if they make it past the door I'm not supposed to pursue them. It's really is a drag on my sense of justice....

Hey Mattie, did you leave the light on in the kitchen or something? Because I woke up for class and it kinda spooked me to find it on, because I'm usually the last one to bed and I KNOW I turned it off.

Screened to Ivan // Unhackable

Hey... You wanna hang out or something? I haven't really seen ya since Bluebird with school startin' and everything.


Hey, has anyone walked by that freaky Myrtles place recently...? I dunno, I was on my way to class and I passed it and it just seemed weirder then normal! And I could have sworn I saw someone walking around in there too! Not like, normal walking around, but like, haunted walking around! Maybe we should call in the Ghost Hunters or some exorcist. I mean, weird stuff's been going on, right? There was that crazy dead grandma package, and didn't some guy go missing a little bit ago? ....OHMIGOD, WHAT IF THAT GHOST I SAW WAS HIM?!?!


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