Title: There With You - PART TEN Pairing: AJ/Soohyun Rating: Still NC-17. Summary: The next morning. A/N: Sorry for the delay, there was... life and stuff.
Seriously guys. I had not thought that you could surpass the awesomeness of the last chapter, but you proved me SO WRONG! Not only was this chapter incredibly sexy, but it was also incredibly, incredibly sweet. And I could feel their love for each other radiating from the paragraphs. I actually teared up because the feeling of love was so beautiful, and it made me ache to have something like that for myself.
All I can say is: Thank you for writing such a beautiful, beautiful story.
This was really sweet and beautiful! The love these two have for each other is simply unique and incredibly special! I think the bond they created will forever keep them connected and their understanding of one another has been heightened in ways that any person in love hopes to achieve. You ladies have just outdone yourselves again. I seriously think you are amazing and yet keep proving how bloody awesome you are!!! ^^ Thank you for another beautiful chapter! I just hope they get to enjoy their breakfast at some point during the day lol
Thank you, so much~ Yes, Soohyun and AJ have really changed each other, and completed each other, and *sigh* They are magical, we can take no credit for that. hehe, they'll eventually get to their breakfast. Keyword being 'eventually.' ^_~
Wow! What an update. This chapter is giving me so many feelings. This fanfiction is just beautiful. I love the way you two write. All of the detail and feelings you put into this. AJ is so sweet and really loves Soohyun. Aw. I am nervous to see where the next chapter is going to take them! Soohyun needs to leave soon. Nooo! Great update! Can't wait for more! :D
Comments 6
All I can say is: Thank you for writing such a beautiful, beautiful story.
The love these two have for each other is simply unique and incredibly special!
I think the bond they created will forever keep them connected and their understanding of one another has been heightened in ways that any person in love hopes to achieve.
You ladies have just outdone yourselves again. I seriously think you are amazing and yet keep proving how bloody awesome you are!!! ^^
Thank you for another beautiful chapter!
I just hope they get to enjoy their breakfast at some point during the day lol
hehe, they'll eventually get to their breakfast. Keyword being 'eventually.' ^_~
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