Of all the Jones fics I'm working on, I never thought a Chulu would be my first official fanfic post. :D
Filling in the Blanks
Rating: PG (I think)
Warnings: Swearing. Impled slash. Drinking
Author's Note: first Chulu. Forgive me any flaws. This was a response to a
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this prompt . Also, I'm a psych major, not a doctor. My medical facts are probably pure shyt. Sry 'bout that.
"They've locked weapons... They're firing, Captain!"
"Emergency evasive, Lieutenant! Fire photons! Aim for their cannons."
Hitting a combination of spots on his control console, he sent a series of blasts toward the unknown ship that had ignored their hailing attempts and then attacked them. The shots from the Enterprise struck true, piercing the hull of the enemy ship. Unfortunately, their attempt to dodge the incoming projectiles failed. The ship shook sharply, causing Sulu to jerk forward suddenly; his skull connecting hard with the dash.
He felt warm liquid run down his forehead and vaguely wondered when it had started to rain, when a sudden and overwhealming need to drift off to sleep overtook him.
~ ~ ~
Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep.
The annoying sound filled his ear as he swam back to consciousness.
"-just a superficial wound, but honestly, you can't screw around with head wounds, Jim. It could be serious. Barring complications, he should be clear for duty in the next twenty four hours, but that'll depend on the physical once he wakes."
Hikaru wondered who they were talking about when he realized that it was Dr. McCoy speaking. He was laying down. He tried to remember what he remembered last, but he could feel a sharp ache Plpstart to blossom at his temple. He grimaced against the pain.
"Which seems to be now," the sound of shifting clothes next to his biobed accompanied a voice, louder as it came closer, "Lieutenant? Sulu?" He groaned against the noise and the pounding in his head.
"Jesus, Jim. He just received a head injury. Will you back off and let me do my job?"
"Oh, yeah. Sorry," came the sheepish reply.
He felt a hand on his wrist near the juncture of his hand. "Hey, Lieutenant. Can you hear me?"
Hikaru could only groan, "Lights. Bright." Even with his eyes closed, they seemed to burn bright.
"Yeah. Sorry about that. I can't do anything about that until after your physical. I'm goin' to check your temperature now, don't be startled." Hands pressed to his forehead, away from the beating temple, at the back of his neck, and under his jaw. "You hit your head. Do you remember that?"
Hikaru felt his wits returning as pain broke through the last strings of sleep. "Yeah. It hurts."
"We'll take care of that after your exam. Can you open your eyes for me?" A shadow eclipsed the light. Hikaru swallowed the excess spit in his mouth before attempting to open his eyes. Opening to slits, he cringed against the light haloing Dr. McCoy on either side.
"Good. Good job. Little more?"
His vision blurred as tears sprang to his eyes against the onslaught of pain and effort to accomplish the simple task. Two mirroring tracks ran from the outside corners of his eyes. Finally, his vision cleared and he could see the doctor.
"Good. Now I'm sorry about this, but I have to check your pupils." A penlike instrument with a light on the end was brought up and shone directly into each of his eyes and swiped outward then back.
"Pupils clear. Equal and responsive," he mumbled, seemingly to himself then to Sulu, "That's good. Any nausea?"
"No... just a headache that could take out an elephant."
"Think you could sit up? The sooner we get this done and rule out anything serious, the sooner you can be released to your quarters."
Hikaru grumbled, but he complied, his head pounding. 'This is going to be a long day.' he thought moodily.
~ ~ ~
More to come as I try to find and fix all the mistakes. :D Let me know if you see anything else. Comments always appreciated.
Chapter 2 Posted via