3 days since my last update (at least) and wow has a lot gone on.
So, I downloaded a video of Star Trek (I have two copies on DVD and the digital copy already, not snuffing the industry, promise) to see if I could make fan music video type stuff. The vid that downloaded was/is in Spanish, but what do I care, I'm making vids w/ music over it. XD As long as the music is louder over the dialogue parts you can't hear it (I don't think).
So... That'll be a fun project to work on in my oodles of free time while I'm healing from my bruised rib and sprained wrist (which both still hurt, lame).
Got a bit farther in ch 3 of my AU ficlet thingy for
st_xi_kink_meme but the story wanted to do something funky and mean to Kirk, so I gotta either run with it or backtrack slightly and fix a reaction (confusing plot you don't know about is confusing, heh). I'm still trying to decide if I can write the 4th chapter or if I wanna be coy and vague with it, or what... >.> *conflicted*
In other fandom news, I got further in my rereading of Switch (which, still fighting with my music library to get a good mix together...), on ch 30 now... And
ceres_libera has updated four times that I haven't caught up to yet (SO EXCITED!).
What else... Finally realized I wasn't friends yet with
pipsi_pirate and fixed that. XD
Hmmm... Have school today from 330-6pm. Longest two hours of my life. Every week. I feel like such an idiot in that class. It's amazing, don't get me wrong. It's all my crap. Just confusion and feeling way over my head about all this stuff.
I'll try not to drown in this class. Two and a half hours... *sigh*
Ooo, ran into one of my old Lt's, from when I was in the military, yesterday. It was awesome and a little surreal running into her. I was all, "You look familiar." She said the same and I asked if she went to my school. She said no, obviously, and then said, "Afghanistan?" Everyone in line for the slide was looking at us like we were insane. Cool, cool lady. She's working for the Girl Scout Council in my area and offered to help me get a job once I've got a degree under my belt. "Leave No Man Behind" Can't help the devotion you feel toward fellow soldiers.
Reading back over this... I realize why I never had a journal/diary when I was a little girl. I feel so WHINEtastic. Know what I mean? I just feel like I complain a lot.
Shake it out! Hmmm... I'm gonna go to class, go to dinner at the Scottish Arms tonight with two classy chicks and then go home and work on my fanfic so I can send ch 3 to the few people who have been nice enough to beta my fic thus far and give me pointers, so can post something this week. (I hate to start posting until I'm 90% done with a fic... I'm scared life'll take hold of me and prevent me from finishing and I hate doing that to anyone nice enough to read something I wrote... Ya know?)
Let's get this day on the road, shall we?
Alright, friends. Let's make 6pm come faster! \o/ *CHEER!*
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