First Post!

Oct 03, 2004 20:35

So, I just started a knitting lj, and what's my first post on?

A crocheting project!

It started out as a knitting project, but as time wore on, I lost patience. The crocheting thing seems to be working, though, so I think I'm going to stick with it.

"It," btw, is a shawl to go with my blouse for the Texas Renaissance Festival, which we *should* be attending this coming Sunday (October 10).

I bought a white cotton scoop-neck "shell" or tank top or something like that, and I'm making the shawl (a half-circle in single crochet on a fairly large needle, so that it looks like lace) in white, so that I can throw them both into my new dye pot (21 quarts) with some green dye (RIT -- it's an experiment; if it works, I'll consider a "better quality" dye next time) and see what comes out.
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