Apr 26, 2005 21:49
And I'm back.
Back from what? It's not like I actually went anywhere in the last month. In fact, I've more or less stayed right here, safe in good old Bedford, with the exception of the daily grind that is work. Back from what? A hiatus, not a self-imposed hiatus and not an attempt to get out of this blogging habit. Just a lack of anything of great consequence to write about.
Sure, I could write pages of the mundane. To work, work, back from work, repeat times five times fifty-two in a year. Throw in a work day on a Saturday, moving stuff around in the office, throw in another work day on a Saturday, and throw in a Thursday night out selling the business at a contractors' banquet and trade show of sorts. Oh, wait, there's the weekend I didn't do anything special, my first since sometime in March, so I went shopping for new shirts at JCPenney. And then there's the major software purchase we settled on. I actually felt today like I was somehow becoming organized, which is a major feat for me lately...I've felt so disorganized since I took over dispatching, and yet I can't seem to find anything besides collections that I can delegate and feel comfortable delegating.
So that's work over the last month. What about everything else? I'd hoped to visit RPI, but decided that with Liam working toward graduation, it's probably best if I don't create a distraction. And without a trip to RPI, it's been pretty boring. I almost went out for dinner with Megan Colby one night, just to catch up on old times, but she had a family commitment come up, and so that's been on a sort of indefinite hold. And I've been chatting a lot with a friend a couple states away, catching up on old times and talking about the new ones, sharing common opinions and dissenting ones, too. It's pleasant to look forward to that at the end of a long day.
Outside of that, it's never too exciting here. My parents had some friends for dinner a couple weekends ago, and as is usual when you're home when they have friends over and you don't want to create an awkward situation by going out for dinner alone and coming home while they're in the middle of eating, I sat in for dinner with my sister. It could just be me, but whenever I see that couple, I feel like one of them is talking down to me at every turn. I can't explain it, but it's the response to an opinion, a sarcastic or joking comment, or basically everything...I feel like I'm always on the defensive, yet I don't know why. I think they've always seen me as something of a social retard, so I guess that would jade one's opinions. At least it only matters in that one time every couple years I run into them.
The better solution would be, I need a place of my own, so as not to mingle with the parents' dinner guests. Or a place to go instead of here. That'll come.
Though I say that, and yet do I mean it? Some of my friends are thinking in terms of toys, and while I'm building a tidy little nest egg in my savings account, it wouldn't hurt to have a little luxury here or there. They say he who has the most toys wins. I don't need to win the game, but it'd be nice to at least play a round, even if it's the only one I play. At the same time, I tell myself I'm not one to fall prey to the lure of retail therapy. Maybe I just need a new hobby, preferably something that incorporates those things I already have.
It makes me think of a friend of a friend, a guy who said he doesn't need all the trappings of the good life...just a decent car and a good apartment and maybe money for his girlfriend and he'll be set. Simple, yet practical. And in that lies growing up...balancing the craving of the toys with the budget that can't support them all. That's not all growing up is about, but it's part. It's part of that proof to ourselves that we're ready to tackle the world we were all told about.
Tackling the world. Now there's a challenge.