Apr 27, 2006 10:39
individuality...that is everyone's agenda nobody wants to be the same as everyone elts. just stop and look for a moment... lets all wear indipendant T shirts and belts and arm bands and jewlery... i bet you that will set us apart from everyone and everyone will look at us as different... well... that works... untill EVERYONE is doing the same thing... you go to a mall and see a pack of teens all wearint Indipendant merchandice...stupid huh... or people will say im an individual i dont want to be like everyone elts so they wear all white or all black or dress punk. that is stupid... howmany thousands if not millions of teens are doing the same thing... in our effrots to unique we have grouped ourself into groups of the same true... now we are nit just "teens" now we have "preps" "jocks"
"punks" "goths" and such... now you can identify with any of thease majorities aslong as you CONFORM the one thing the teen seeks to avoid... when you are happy with what you are and wear whatever the heck you want without fear of not fiting in or being laughed at or worrying if some person(or group) will think badly of you then is when you are an individual... when you nolonger care if you are an individual and just do... then you have found what it meens to be your own person... or is this the truth? is this yet another lie fabricated in my mind and that of others... perhaps we can never be individuals...who will ever know.