Jul 07, 2008 15:54
"The human race itself has declared war on base, inherent reality. This, however, was never a choice for any of us, so don't take offense or feel any guilt for being intrinsically lumped together with every yuppie on St. Armand's Circle - to try and live as a bear, shitting in the woods and lounging around all day would not be proper to our spiritual and mental capacities. We simply need more. Whether we are reading thousands of books on Sufi Mysticism and decoding the Torah for the 777th time, dominating small Middle-Eastern countries as a shadow CEO of a multinational corporation or starting a pseudo-satanic cult, building an elevator to space out of nano-tubes or inventing a personal transportation device that balances on two wheels with the help of gyroscopes, going on an Atkins diet and getting triple-D breast implants so we can finally get that dream-job as a TV newscaster, volunteering at a local homeless shelter and delivering Meals-On-Wheels, creating a self-portrait out of toast or going on tour with a 30 piece band of space-rock virtuosos, ingesting every recreational drug imaginable and giggling at the newest Ween album, or playing 36-hour City of Heroes marathons and forgetting you ever had a life outside of video games, we seek to construct an alternative reality for ourselves - one that will fulfill the bandwidth of our consciousness with the proper enhancements. For what is already there and presented to us is BORING. Our very existence - in all of its complexity and on every level - is itself a dream; an intense role-playing game which we create in our own image." - Dr. Zoltan Øbelisk
... Oh and I cut all my hair off yesterday.