Aug 28, 2009 14:54
-"To all of you uneducated masses who think Obama is socialist, you need to do some research.
that pretty $781 BILLION "bail-out plan," which you all seem to have completely forgotten, was written up by the Secretary of Treasury WHILE BUSH WAS STILL IN OFFICE.
Now, you may be asking yourself, who is the Secretary of Treasury? THIS IS THE BEST PART ! His name is Henry Paulson and George Bush appointed him to this position in 2006. You may also be happy to know, that Henry Paulson is CEO of a HUGE investing firm known as Goldman Sachs ! And guess which company stood to gain $12.9 BILLION in the "bail-out plan?" NONE OTHER THAN GOLDMAN SACHS.
Don't worry kiddies, I'm sure there's a perfectly good explanation for Georgie Porgie to appoint a CEO in an investing firm as Treasurer. Absolutely no conflict of interest at all !
Now, back to socialism, under Bush's last term, under this "bail-out plan," banks and investing firms and so forth were FORCED to accept the government "bail-out" money, or face the consequences. The government then forced these companies to give them detailed financials statements so that they could control where the money was going. They demanded the money to be used in the ways they saw fit, and when things like bonuses were given out, they were pissed. This money was supposed to be traded amongst the banks, but because no one trusted each other's statements, that HUGE SUM OF MONEY HAS ENTIRELY DISAPPEARED AND NONE OF YOU ARE ASKING QUESTIONS.
Which bring me to my conclusion; where have you seen the Obama administration sticking their nose in other people's business ? Where have you seen them taking control of the public sector and telling businesses how they should run ? Seriously. I would love to hear it.
-"the farther you look into space, the further back you're looking into time."
this is because it takes time for light to reach the Earth. it takes 8mins just for sunlight to reach us. therefore, we could be looking at a star that has really been dead for years, but because it's so far away, the last of it's light is still traveling through space.
and other stuffs.
oh, and my dad is filing for bankruptcy.