
Jan 31, 2010 21:19

- Two days till LOST! Anyone see the preview yesterday? No spoilers here though, please!

- Cynthia's moving along quite quickly. She's already midway through season 3! I'm so proud of her. I watched bits with her and I'd completely forgotten how shitty the first half of season three is. Especially Stranger in a Strange Land. Goodness.

- I haven't done any homework all weekend. :/ I wish I knew what I did do this weekend, but I honestly can't remember at all.

- I still haven't watched the finale of Dollhouse. Once again, don't know what I did instead. But I'll watch it soon and I'll probably post my reaction to it. I doubt I'm going to be that impressed, since I really didn't like the way they ended things last episode, and I doubt they can resolve all the problems still floating around D:

- We have moved the cake-baking process to Tuesday, because that's when Spoon's okay with having us over. Hopefully we'll get it done before the premiere party.

Hope you guys had a good weekend!

dollhouse, life, lost, homeworks, tv

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