Back to TV ranting

Dec 15, 2010 13:50

Thanks to everyone who commented on my coming back post with nice things to say! I know I really should respond to all of you individually, but I really can't bring myself to go back to that post. I'm sorry. Just know that it was really highly appreciated.

I spent all of yesterday running around trying to sort my life out, and I feel somewhat better about everything. Although somehow, despite going to bed at 10:00 last night, I still ended up waking up at 12:30 in the afternoon today. What is up with that?

Anyway, here's me talking about some TV I've been watching.

I was really bored being stuck at home all the time, So I've been watching a LOT of television. I marathoned a few shows which I'd heard good things about but never had time to watch. Who knew Parks and Rec was so awesome? I love Amy Poehler. And I watched all of The Inbetweeners, which is beyond funny. Highly recommended if you like British comedy or teenagers being idiots. I also FINALLY got around to watching Spaced. Which is as genius as you can expect a show written by Simon Pegg and Jessica Stevenson to be. I'm actually in the process of a rewatch right now.

I also recently marathoned Being Human, which is ridiculously addictive. I started off not really loving it. The dialogue kind of bothered me, but I think it got better as time went on, and I got completely hooked. It's really entertaining, although I feel like the plot, especially with Annie, starts getting a bit contrived by the end of series two. I'm still really excited about series three though.

I've also been keeping up with shows I already watch.

I'm so glad Lumen didn't die. A friend of mine had told me that Julia Stiles had only signed on to do three episodes, so I was really worried about her. Plus we know Dexter's track record with love interests. I was really happy for her for losing her Dark Passenger, but I still felt AWFUL for Dexter. I feel like he's just doomed to be alone forever.

Also, can I take a moment to reiterate my LOVE for DEBRA FUCKIN' MORGAN. She brought it, like she does ALL THE TIME. I really love the way she sort of pieced everything together way faster than everyone else, and without the insider knowledge that Dexter has. And I really love that she gave Dexter and Lumen a chance to escape. Pretty awesome. A lot of guys people I know seem to really not like Deb because they think she swears too much, or is too aggressive. You know. Stuff they'd be totally cool with if she was a dude. Deb is the shit. Stay pressed haters.

Quin has been somewhat redeemed in my eyes. I spent the entire season hating that guy so much. Even after he called off Liddy, I still really didn't like him. I still think Deb's too good for him, but now I'm capable of seeing his face on my computer screen without having a gag reflex. I respect that he called everything off because he didn't want to hurt Deb. Although normally that kind of thing would bug me a lot. I hate plotlines where the guy lies to the girl ~to protect her~~~ or whatever. But for some reason I'm okay with this. I guess because I know how much finding out about Dexter would completely destroy Deb.

I really enjoyed the finale. I have never wanted to see any "bad guy" on this show die MORE than Jordan Chase. He is a severely twisted fuck. I feel like the show kind of went out of its way to make him as unsympathetic as possible. Mission accomplished. I don't think there was anyone who wasn't glad to see him go.

I really don't care about Dexter's relationship with his kids if I'm completely honest. They're cute and all, but they're definitely not as interesting as every other aspect of Dexter's life. That said, I'm glad Aster (Asther?) has forgiven him.

All in all- Finally gets an A

dexter, tv

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