
Jun 23, 2010 01:53

Houston Zoo is openning a people zoo depicting African life and traditions. As an African person myself, I'm always really offended when Western profiteers exploit African culture for the entertainment of white people. Not only is this exploitative and condescending, it's racist and ignorant. Africa isn't this one community that all live the same way. It's a vast array of cultures. It's like opening a people zoo depicting "North American culture", and showing the lives of an Innuit villiage. This thing does nothing but perpetuate ignorant stereotypes that most Westerners hold when they think of Africa.

There's a blog post someone made about this and why it's so offensive that you can read here if you're interested.

Also, I encourage anyone who has the time to please email the Houston Zoo, and tell them you find this offensive and intend to boycott human zoos. Or at least sign the petition against it by emailing your name and the following:

“We, the undersigned, do not support The African Forest human zoo, the creation of conservation refugees, or the continuation of the conservation refugee crisis.”

to nohumanzoo@yahoo.com

Thanks guys!

zina gets serious for a minute, urgh, ignorance makes me mad, africa, wtf

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