(no subject)

Jun 13, 2010 07:35

So I'm up really early and thought I'd post since it's been a while. Hi Flist! Sorry I'm such a crappy friend :(
I'm gonna try and be more active/responsive.

I finished BSG and cried the whooolle waayy through the finale. Like, srlsy. Start to finish. I was bawling in the dark. I cried during that finale WAY MORE than during the Lost finale. But omg it was so beautiful.

I know a lot of people in the fandom didn't really like the finale, and I can get why. But I LOVED IT. IT WAS SO AWESOME. I really liked the twist that they were actually from the past rather than the future, and that all of the "all this has happened before, and all of it will happen again" stuff was actually relevant. So cool. I did think that conversation between Imaginary Six and Imaginary Gaius at the end was a little cheesy/unnecessary. But by then I was already drowning in my own tears so I didn't really mind.

When Starbuck disappeared mid-convo with Lee, I lost it. ;__; I had kind of grown to hate her at the end of S2/beginning of S3 because she started being really stupid and fucking around with Lee and Sam (for the record- I'd choose Sam EVERY TIME. UNF). But then she was a ghost and she was all crazy and I didn't realize just how much I had fallen back in love with her until I realized she was really gone. RIP Starbuck you amazing thing you.

I cheered when Chief Tyrol killed Tori. What a bitch. Only unlikeable character on the show imo.

Oh my Sam. I'll miss you.

And LAURA BAMF ROSLIN. LOORRD HOW I CRIED FOR HER. I actually started crying for her while watching the second last episode because I knew she was going to die soon. Seriously, the thought of her dying made me burst into tears, I love her so much. So my favourite character.

Also, that lawyer dude with the dead cat is so fucking awesome. I wish he was in the show more, I like the cut of his jib. I love every second he's on my screen.

Bill Adama is so sweet. I really like him, but he doesn't stand out when there's so many amazing characters like Laura and Starbuck. But I totally teared up in that earlier episode when he stayed behind to wait for Laura because "I can't live without her." omg :')

At the same time, I had been bracing myself for a lot more death than we got. Like, the only people that died were Laura (but we knew that was coming), Starbuck (but she'd been dead all along) and Sam (;_;). And I guess Skull and Racetrack. I had a moment of silence for them because I always love comic relief characters. But really? There were NO major casualties from that friggin battle?

There are some people who I thought should have died really. Like Helo, when he got injured. I actually thought he was dead until he showed up later all fine and dandy. I love him, but that would have been a good way of killing someone off, and only one parent really needs to survive for us to know Hera will be okay. Also I think Gaius (as much as I LOVE HIM AND THINK HE'S AWESOME) really should have died during the battle. It would have been really poetic for him to redeem himself by sacrificing himself to save someone else, since he's never put someone else's life above his own. All that happened was that him and Caprica hid behind some boxes and made out, then picked up Hera and locked Laura and Athena out of the ship. Lol okay.

I'm probably in the minority here, but I never found any of the Sixes sympathetic. I know the show was trying to make us see how human the cylons were and whatever, and I bought it for all the Eights and the Threes and even Lyobin. But Six still really pissed me off. They still came off as completely self-motivated and unwilling to see anyone else's point of view. They're really quick to try and play the victim and expect people to forgive them for all the shenanigans they pulled. I just don't like them. Plus, that fucking snarl the actress makes all the time really grates me.

Also, just, how awesome was S4 in general?? I really loved it. Jimi Hendrix, the Final Five, finding out Ellen was the last one, everything. I like cylon Ellen a lot better than human Ellen. She's actually pretty badass when she knows what's up. I love this show for all the amazing strong female characters it has. It warms my heart.

K. I'm gonna stop wasting your time with this bull. I see I've ranted for a good eighty paragraphs.

I'm nearly done with Breaking Bad, so my reaction to that should be up soon. I would have finished ages ago, but I started getting really mad at the Walt/Skylar relationship mid-S3, and there really wasn't enough Jesse to keep me distracted from how shitty it was. I had to stop and marathon Daria for a while to get over how sexist it was being. I should get back into it soon and hopefully post my thoughts. Be warned- there will probably be much feminist ranting.

I'm so unmotivated for my Big Bang. I seriously just need to spend one solid day working on it and I'll be done. But I'm so lazy these days.

In other news, I went shopping yesterday and bought lots of pretty tank tops, leggings, skirts and tights. I'm really psyched about them, so I might post pictures later.

Also, Maria's having a party at my condo's party room tomorrow. I'm a little worried about that. I really hope no one starts puking. I can't bring anyone upstairs to my apartment. I don't think my mother would approve. Also, I was looking forward to getting high, but I don't want anyone lighting up in my building. If the superintendent finds out my ass is grass. Lol. Grass.

Oh god, can you tell I've been up all night? Sorry for all the spelling and sentence structure mistakes I've probably made. Bye bye.

battlestar galactica, the good stuff, life, breaking bad, shopping, zina rambles again, parties i want nothing to do with, tv

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