Apr 14, 2010 00:35

I'm getting really tired of posting in bullet points. So I'm just not gonna okay? Deal with it.

I applied for an internship at the Children's Aid Society of Toronto for this summer. My mom linked me to it and it really seems like the kind of thing I'd wanna be doing with my time. Even if they pay me minimum wage I'd rather do that than work at a cafe or something. Plus it's a lot like the volunteer work I used to do in Sudan. I'm normally the first person to be like "KEEP YOUR BRATTY CHILDREN AWAY FROM ME", but I actually miss helping kids who need it. I hope I get it.

I'm officially an IDS major! /cool story bro

It's/was my roommate's birthday today, but she has an exam tomorrow so she spent the whole day studying, poor thing. She just left for the cafeteria so she could study some more and not keep me up, bless her. Little does she know I'll probably be up all night too since I decided to watch Lost rather than write my paper for American Lit that's due tomorrow. Woops.

Lost was... wow... I'll try and do a recap of some sort tomorrow, but I have a lot of studying to do. If you guys were on ontd_lost at any point tonight you probably saw my flailings around the place. It was certainly a blow my world view.

Weeerrrrkkk... why am I so damn lazy? Lol I'm considering not even posting this I'm just rambling. OH WELLZ. PS. I finally joined ontd_feminism don't know why it took me so long. I was inspired to do it because of this rant I made on ontd_lost about Kate being a bad female stereotype pumping my blood with feminist rage. Gettin' ready for some srs vocalizin' of my right to equality.

K, I'm clearly tired. I'm sorry for exposing you to this. Goodnight y'all.

community service, ramblings, internship, work, exams, lost, homeworks, summer, zina's a rebel, lj, communities, life, tv

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