Mar 14, 2010 21:27

Well, I've decided not to fail Latin, so I've spent the last week cramming my brain full of Latin grammar, resulting in lack of time and energy. Also, I figured you guys didn't want to hear about third declension nouns with irregular endings. But if you do... ask someone else, because I still don't think I get it. :/






In other news, Jackson and I decided to celebrate Pi Day today by going to this little cafe on St. Laurent called Pi! We thought it would actually serve pie, since it says so on the door, but... it really didn't. Which blew. But I had cheese cake which was still delicious. And hilariously enough, apparently they're famous for having chess players come there and play chess! Which... has nothing to do with math or pie, but... yay?

Wow. Ellipse explosion there. Sorry about that.

And everyone in my rez apparently decided to start celebrating St. Patties day a little early because they all got covered in green and started drinking at noon. Then again, that's pretty much a regular day for a lot of people at my rez.

AND I saw Alice in Wonderland yesterday! It was lovely, everyone was lovely in it (except the girl who played Alice, who I found kind of boring). But I did find Anne Hathaway's eyebrows distracting (they were SOOO DARRKKKK and her hair was SOOO WHITTEEE), and the 3D looked really forced. Other than that I can't really complain. It was fun. Go watch it if you haven't, it's an awesome way to spend two hours :D

fail, happy some holiday, life, urgh latin, homeworks, movies: alice in wonderland

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