Just Muse Me - Telephone Tag

Apr 23, 2009 12:03

“A man should choose a friend who is better than himself. There are plenty of acquaintances in the world; but very few real friends.” - Chinese proverb

Charlie was busy flipping through cable channels, stretched out on his very comfy couch when his phone rang. He ignored it. It wasn’t Reese. When Reese called, her picture showed up on the screen. There was no picture and at this angle, he couldn’t see the name so he let it ring. The fourth time someone called, he decided to set aside the remote with too many buttons and answer.

“Charlie, you need to start answering your phone.”

“Hi Ted,” Charlie said, breezing past Ted’s comment like he hadn’t said it. “How’s Spain?”

“Spain’s nice. There’s a lot of weird food and it's very hot.”

“Did you find Olivia?”

He had been curious about how his friend was doing, but he wasn’t one to call randomly and ask. Ted had gone for a reason and Charlie respected that. His questions and curiosity could wait until Ted came back. Or called.

“Yes, I found Olivia.”

He can hear the happiness in his friend’s voice and it makes him smile. Ted deserved to be happy. Ted deserved to be in love and happy instead of in love and miserable like he had been lately. That was why Charlie was happy Ted was in Spain, because it was making Ted happy. So what if his house felt bigger and more alone than before? Ted was happy and that was what Ted deserved.

“She wants to know if you got those grapes we went. Did you like them? They weren’t damaged in shipping were they?”

He looked down at his stomach where a bright blue bowl of dark, black grapes was balanced. They were some of the best grapes he’d had since getting out.

“They’re great, Ted. Tell her thanks for me.”

Charlie listened to the mumbled conversation on the other end of the line and the soft laughter that followed. They were the sounds of happiness so Charlie hung up and set the phone aside. His friend deserved to be happy. He could wait until Ted got home to share in it.

[character prompt], [who] olivia, [comm] just_muse_me, [who] ted

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