Thank You Fic for feel_theburn

Nov 04, 2009 08:37

Because feel_theburn said so many nice things here I'm saying nice things back, with fic! A Life/Burn Notice crossover.

Miami was hot. Not like Los Angeles was hot. There was more water in the air, humidity. Charlie waved to the FBI guys sitting in a beige sedan and knocked on the door. His hands were deep in his pockets when his Aunt Madeline opened the door.

“Charlie! Oh, Charlie look at you!” She grabbed him into a hug and then pushed back to look him over. “Prison’s been good to you. Is that Armani you’re wearing?”

His grin never wavered, though something inside him twisted uncomfortably. His Aunt Madeline had always just said what she was thinking instead of thinking about it first. The prison comment didn’t mean anything.

“No, it’s a suit,” he said brightly. “Is Mike here?”

“Yeah, yeah, he’s in the garage. I’ll take you!” His aunt slid an arm around his waist, hugging him the whole way through the house and to the garage.

Charlie remembered the house from the few visits he’d taken here as a kid. He remembered his Uncle, a big angry looking man who his mother had been careful to keep him away from. Madeline was his mother’s sister and the resemblance was a little painful.

“I couldn’t make it to Janie’s funeral, you know,” Aunt Madeline chatted as they walked. “I sent some really nice flowers. Sun flowers, they were always Janie’s favorite.”

He nodded and slipped out of her hold to walk into the garage first. His cousin, Mike, was digging through a box.

“Mike, look who it is!”


“Hey cousin,” Charlie’s smile was genuine this time. His cousin had been like a brother to him during those few visits. “I’m on vacation. Let me buy you dinner. I’m rich now. Well, really rich Ted says. Ted would know. He was rich for a long time. Until he got caught. So, I can really afford dinner.”

“But Mom said…”

“Right, prison, well I got out, you know since I was innocent.” Charlie shrugged. Three months out and it was still hard to believe he didn’t have to go back to that hell every day. He was free and he was going to find out who had taken that away twelve years ago. His cousin Mike, the spy, would have all the resources he needed to find that out. There was a little guilt using his cousin like this, but his bitterness quickly overrode that. He’d find enlightenment later. After dinner.

[verse] burned, [with] mike, [fanfiction], [what] conspiracy

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