Just Prompts: Your Choice

Sep 02, 2009 13:04

1. Post a reply with your muse, specify verse if necessary. Only one tag per mun so choose your muse carefully ( Read more... )

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Land of Adventure 12yrs_life September 2 2009, 21:54:12 UTC
It was all taking too long for Charlie’s liking. The line of cars seemed to get longer instead of shorter every time a car turned. He bounced in his seat for a few moments, trying to be patient but he hadn’t been to Disney Land since he took Jen there on a date and he was anxious to see what had changed while he’d been gone. Finally he couldn’t take it anymore.

“I’ll meet you inside,” he said, undoing his seat belt.

“What? Crews!”

“Don’t worry, I’ll just let security know we’re here.” He ducked out before Reese could grab him. Adjusting his jacket on his shoulders, he pulled out his badge and held it out while he walked around their unmarked car and then walked across three lanes of traffic to get to the gates. Even over the horns and car noise he could hear Reese cursing at him and calling him insane.

The security guard looked a little shocked when Charlie casually strolled up to him and flashed him his badge with a smile.

“Hi, LAPD, I’m looking for Frank Rosen. Which part of the park is he working in today?”

01. "Temple of the Forbidden Eye" in Indiana Jones Adventure, Adventureland
02. “Club 33” in New Orleans Square
03. “Gadget's Go Coaster” in Mickey’s Toontown


Re: Land of Adventure 9mmshotglass September 2 2009, 21:59:22 UTC
O1. That's where all the action is. Right? Right.


Land of Adventure 12yrs_life September 2 2009, 22:30:58 UTC
The security guard spent a few moments on the radio while Reese pulled around and used the lights and sirens to get around traffic and pull up alongside with him in the car.

“I’m turning on the child locks for your door,” she hissed, leaning out of the window.

“Frank’s working the Temple of the Forbidden Eye today,” the security guard said. “One of our guys is coming with a golf cart to take you there. You can park your car with the other security vehicles.”

While Reese parked, Charlie rocked on the balls of his feet, grin still in place. Reese looked pretty pissed with him and was silent the whole cart ride to Adventureland. It didn’t ruin Charlie’s good mood. The park was crowded, filled mostly with kids and parents. He watched them with a grin.

“One day, we’ll take Sam here,” he whispered to her and for a moment Reese’s glare softened. Of course when the cart stopped she was right back to glaring at him like he was insane and a moron.

“Frank will be right inside.”

They used their badges to get through the lines which was just the coolest thing ever to Charlie, though Reese was not impressed. Neither was Rosen when they tapped him on the shoulder.

01. Frank runs for it
02. Frank is willing to answer their questions
03. They have the wrong Frank


Re: Land of Adventure 9mmshotglass September 2 2009, 22:57:28 UTC
03. Frank. As in Furter, not Hank, Skank, or Wank. Or Bob. Definitely not Bob.


Land of Adventure 12yrs_life September 3 2009, 13:23:17 UTC
“Frank Rosen?” Reese took the lead, stepping in front of him and tapping the man who was dressed like Indiana Jones on the shoulder. “You got a minute?”

“Frank’s not here, man.”

Charlie’s eyes dropped to the “George” name tag on the park employee’s shirt and he frowned slightly. When he looked back over his shoulder he couldn’t see the security guard or the golf cart.

“Security said he’d be here.” Reese sounded suspicious and there was something about the missing golf cart that made Charlie feel the same way.

“Well he ain’t here man. His time card wasn’t even punched when I got here. Johnny picked up his shift and he ain’t even going to get overtime for it because of…”

Leaning down, Charlie whispered to Reese, “The cart’s gone.”

“Could be an emergency?” she whispered back while the employee continued to rant about minimum wage and worker’s benefits.

“I think we need to check that time card.” Charlie straightened and turned a charming grin on poor George. “Thank you for your help. Why don’t you keep this little visit to yourself, huh?”

He got a hundred dollar bill from his wallet and slid it into George’s hand during a handshake. George looked stunned but quickly stuffed the money in his pocket. Still grinning, he fell into step with Reese as they walked out of the ride and stood in the crowded walkways of the park.

“Any idea how to get behind this place?” Reese asked, scanning the faces around them.

01. “The answer is right before your eyes.”
02. “We only see what we can’t see.”
03. “We could get picked up by security again.”


Re: Land of Adventure 9mmshotglass September 3 2009, 13:34:28 UTC


Land of Adventure 12yrs_life September 4 2009, 00:48:04 UTC
“We only see what we can’t see,” Charlie said as he adjusted his sunglasses.

Reese snorted. “Great, Zen. Took you long enough to start talking like a fortune cookie.”

“What do you see, Reese?”

“I thought it was about what I don’t see.”

He glanced over at her from the corner of his sunglasses and she sighed, rolling her eyes.

“Fine, fine, I see Disney Land.”

“Exactly. What we need to see is what we can’t see, the park behind the park.”

Charlie started to look around with his convict eyes. Little details, other details, the sort of things most people missed became clear to him now. It only took him a moment to spot a door built within a wall, hiding behind a heavy vined tree.

“There.” He pointed. “That’s what we’re not supposed to see.”

01. The door is locked and Reese picks it.
02. The door is locked and Charlie kicks it down.
03. The door is unlocked.


Re: Land of Adventure 9mmshotglass September 4 2009, 00:50:49 UTC
01. ...says wee!Reese, who wants to pick a lock rightnow.


Land of Adventure 12yrs_life September 4 2009, 14:37:54 UTC
They strolled over to the door, trying to look like any other pair of tourists who came to Disney Land in suits and carrying guns. Of course it was locked and Charlie stepped back, ready to kick it down.

“Hold on, you want to attract attention to us? I’ve got this.” Reese put a hand on his arm and he stopped. He did sort of want to attract attention. Attention would bring security and then they could find out why they’d been lied to about Frank.

He watched, with a certain fascination, as she pulled a bobby pin from her hair and snapped it in half. Once he knew what she was planning he shifted to block her from view while she got down to picking the lock. He had no idea she could do that. It was very cool.

“You’ll have to show me how to do that one day.”

“What? You didn’t learn inside?”

He shrugged, even though she wasn’t paying attention to him. “A little, but locks inside are different from locks out here.”

Reese didn’t say anything to that, but after a few minutes she grunted and pushed the door open. He scanned the crowd one last time before following her inside and behind the scenes of Disney Land. They were in a long hallway that was dotted with other doors like the one they had just walked through. There were arrows painted on the walls to indicate which way was what part of the park.

“We should have grabbed a map,” Reese muttered, scowling at the list of parks and arrows.

01. They go left.
02. They go right.
03. They hear someone coming towards them.


Re: Land of Adventure 9mmshotglass September 4 2009, 14:54:45 UTC


Re: Land of Adventure, Sorry had a paper this weekend. 12yrs_life September 7 2009, 22:38:36 UTC
"A map wouldn't..." Charlie paused and tilted his head. Reese looked at him, but he held up a finger and she started to listen too. Someone was coming.

He stepped back against the wall and snapped open his holster. He rested his hand on his gun and waited. They both waited while the footsteps got closer and closer and then a man in an Indiana Jones costume rounded the corner and looked at them. Charlie's eyes went immediately to his name tag.

"Hi, Frank," he said brightly. "I think we're a little lost."

Frank turned to run but they both drew their weapons. The sound of the guns clearing their holsters was enough for Frank to freeze and raise his hands.

"I think Frank can help us back to our car, don't you Reese?"

"I think he will, if he knows what's good for him."

"Look, I didn't know you guys were..."

"You got your friend to lie to us," Charlie said while Reese snapped the cuffs on Frank. "You got security to lie for you. You must be very well liked Frank."

"What about your roommate, did he like you?" Reese asked, shoving Frank back the way they came.

"I can explain."

"I hope so because we're very confused." Charlie looked around. "How do you get out of here?"

Frank hung his head and started plodding along, leading the way out.

01. Frank leads them out.
02. Frank leads them into a trap.
03. Frank gets lost.


I accept no apologies from Crewses. None are needed. 9mmshotglass September 7 2009, 22:41:59 UTC
02 Because those who think they are clever have backup plans for their backup plans.


12yrs_life September 7 2009, 23:17:34 UTC
It was an entirely different experience behind the walls and illusions of the park. Charlie looked around with interest. It was much quieter back behind the walls and though he could see the sky and hear the noise of the park not far from them, he felt the walls closing in.

He would like to get out of this twist of hallways very soon. Reese seemed to sense his discomfort, but she had a hold of Frank's cuffed wrists and couldn't really do anything more than brush her arm against his every now and then. Charlie breathed through his nose until Frank stopped at a door labeled EXIT and he shoved it open.

He got a bat to the stomach for it and that made Charlie lose his Zen calm. He wrapped an arm around the bat and yanked on it, hard.

"Crews!" Reese yelled when she saw him doubled over, holding onto a bat which was held on to by the security guard who had brought them to Frank's ride in the first place.

"Dude! What the hell? Shoot him or something!" Frank yelled.

"They don't let us carry guns."

"They let us." Charlie wheezed, pointing his gun at the guard at the end of the bat. "And we know how to use them."

01. Frank and the Security Guard give up.
02. Frank tries to make a break for it.
03. The Security Guard makes a break for it.


9mmshotglass September 8 2009, 00:21:49 UTC


12yrs_life September 10 2009, 12:44:44 UTC
The Security Guard looked between him and Reese then focused on his gun. He looked back at Frank.

"I didn't sign on for this shit, man."

Then he dropped the bat and ran. Charlie dropped the bat too. As long as no one was holding it, it wasn't a threat. He took a deep breath, holstered his gun and took off again.

"Stay with him!" He yelled as he broke into a sprint.

"Crews!" Reese sounded pissed, but it was clear the Security Guard had something to do with it and they needed him. "Crews!"

He'd make it up to her when he brought the Security Guard in. For now though, he focused on his breathing and stretching his legs as far as they could go to close the distance between him and the Security Guard, who made the classic mistake of looking over his shoulder all the time to check on how close he was getting.

It didn't take him long at all to grab the guard by the shoulders and drag him to a stop by throwing him down on the ground.

"That's resisting arrest along with assaulting an officer," he panted while snapping the cuffs on. "You're just racking them up today, aren't you?"

01. Reese catches up still dragging Frank and is pissed.
02. Reese catches up still dragging Frank who begins to argue with the Security Guard.
03. Reese catches up still dragging Frank and he starts yelling for a lawyer.


9mmshotglass September 10 2009, 12:48:53 UTC


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