Fic: Did You Want Fries with Those Chips?

Jan 08, 2008 00:03

Title: Did You Want Fries with Those Chips?
Author: Erin (erinm_4600)
Character/Pairing: Ten, Rose and a few random OCs
Rating: G
Summary: Everyone has to pay $6 for a burger
Disclaimer: Doctor Who is not mine. If it was, I'd be able to watch everything before Nine and understand HALF of what you guys are talking about a quarter of the time! Also the locale isn't mine either. I just work there.
Author's Notes: My second Doctor Who fic. Inspired by #4 in irishlullaby's January prompt list. I tried to get them to the Studios, but they just didn't want to leave the Kingdom... *sigh*

Part 1: Six Years Too Late

Rose stepped out into the sunlight and raised her hand to her eyes, giving them time to adjust.

The sun was never this bright in London. She looked to her side and up to the cheshire grin of the Doctor. "Where to next?" The Doctor looked away and his brow furrowed. A moment later, a parade of people surrounded them and the Doctor instinctively pulled Rose close.

As the crowd dispersed, he let go of Rose and huffed. Facing her again, he shrugged. "I'm a bit peckish." Rose gave him a matching grin and wrapped her arm around his.

"Well, what strikes your fancy?" The Doctor shrugged and pulled her forward, following the flow. As they passed under the archway, both felt a rush of ice cold air coming from the open doorway on their right.

"Aha!" the Doctor exclaimed, pointing to a sign ahead on the left. "Chips?"

"Yeah," Rose said, nodding with a smile. To Doctor pulled open the door and waved a woman with a large stroller out. She thanked him and pushed through the doorway. After she passed, the Doctor waved Rose through.

Ten minutes later, they exited through the same door; Rose holding a paper tray of fries. "Six dollars for a burger?" he asked incredulously.

"And without the -fries-" she enunciated, waving the tray in front of him with a grin. The Doctor scrunched up his face and too a fry. "So," Rose said, mid-bite. "Which way?" Nodding to a queue just ahead of them, the Doctor grimaced.

"I think that," he nodded again and took another fry. "...that mansion might be haunted." His eyebrows rose excitedly as he trailed off. Rose wasn't sure if she should believe him or not.

"How you figure?" she asked as he stepped back - a large group of folks, all wearing bright orange shirts - herded past. Leading Rose to the entrance by her elbow, the Doctor pointed up to the sign.

"'cause the sign says 'Haunted Mansion.'" Rose looked up at the sign and forced herself not to roll her eyes. A step closer and a man in layers of wool - and looking rather... pasty - glared at her.

"Food is not allowed inside the house," he said with a fierce look and deep voice. Rose lurched back slightly and stuttered:

"I promise not to go in until I've finished?" she half-stated and half-asked, unsure of the proper answer. The man simply glared at her and turned his attention to a group of young girls in cheerleading uniforms behind her. They began squealing as the Doctor moved Rose along.

"Wha?" she started to ask as the Doctor waved toward him.

"The man is wearing wool in a tropical zone, Rose. He'd probably rather be trapped in a broom closet with a rabid wolverine and Jackie."

"Oy," she said with a half-smile. Who would make anyone wear that outfit in this weather? It was terribly uncomfortable at the moment, and Rose could only imagine what the weather must be like when it got really warm.

As they stepped off the moving platform and into the car, Rose sighed and wrapped her arm around the Doctor's. "I can't wait to tell Mum that you scream like a girl."

"I do not!" he gasped, offended at the accusation.

"Yes, you do," she said with a laugh. She squeezed closer to him as the bar lowered and the car moved into the black.

It wasn't his fault - the girl attending their doorless room was less that an inch from his right ear when the lights went out. He wasn't sure if the assembled group had been more afraid of the body hanging from the ceiling, or his manly, Time Lord-

Okay, he screamed like a girl.

~challenge, fic: doctor who

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