Fic: Bad Day

Oct 08, 2008 00:25

Title: Bad Day
Author: Erin (erinm_4600)
Characters, Pairing: Stephen and Natalie (mention of Raymond)
Rating: G
Summary: Natalie Durant is having a VERY bad day.
Warning: post-Ice Station, by about two days. *Written for Prompt Challenge 01 at stephen_natalie. Prompt 02-08: Lift
Disclaimer: The original characters belongs to NBC and their respective actors.

"Hold the-" Natalie Durant called out, rushing toward the closing elevator.

It had not been her day: from finding the milk had turned overnight to the gas pump not shutting off to the coffee pot shattering in the sink of the break room to the blue screen of death on her laptop to her ballpoint pen exploding all over the report that had finally printed after she'd managed to get half the toner cartridge all over herself.

And now she was running late and was going to have to take the stairs.

A hand shot up, between the nearly-closed doors and blocked the sensor, letting the doors slide open slowly. Natalie glanced up and found herself face-to-face with Stephen Connor.

Sighing heavily, Natalie let her shoulders fall and her chin drop as Stephen smiled and stepped back, holding the door until she was able to get into the elevator. She moved into the space and went straight for the corner, slumping against the handrail and banging her head against the wall once.

"Is it tomorrow yet?" she asked as the doors shut for a second time.

"That good?" Stephen asked with a sympathetic smile; he'd heard about the toner and the coffee pot. Natalie sighed heavily and closed her eyes, lifting her head toward the ceiling.

Raising a hand to her neck, Natalie tried to rub at the muscle that had been aggravating her since they’d returned from the station. They'd been back for two days and aspirin just wasn't working.

She knew nothing was broken, but being shoved into the cabinet wasn't exactly comfortable. And as much as she wanted to blame Raymond, she couldn't. The man was far from being in his right mind, but she wouldn't have wished for him to go out that way.

Stephen's brow raised as he looked at her sideways. He took a step over and tilted his head to look at the back of her neck. "Oh, grow up," he snapped when Natalie flinched at his hand pushing her hair away.

He let out a deep breath as he looked at the portion of the bruise that was visible on her neck. "Natalie," he grumbled in his 'doctor-voice.' He knew that there was more bruising past the collar of her blouse, but he also knew that she would never say anything.

Stephen rested his hand on her shoulder and leaned slightly to catch her view. She purposefully avoided his gaze for as long as she could - which was all of about four seconds - and turned. But, before she could open her mouth to tell him she was fine, the elevator jerked and the lights flickered. Both of her hands instinctively shot to Stephen's arms, holding on to him for dear life as her breath caught. Stephen glanced at the panel, knowing the 'Connor-glare' wouldn't force the elevator into submission and he turned back to Natalie.

"Oh, this is just the frosting on the cake of my day," she frowned, leaning forward to rest her forehead on his chest as he laughed.

That last line is one of my favorites from, probably, the BEST episode of Hercules: The Legendary Journeys (Yes, Virginia, There is a Hercules) And only because there were no actual words for the bathroom scene. :)

~challenge, fic: medical investigation, .stephen_natalie

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