Title: Follow You Home - California Tin (35/42)
Author: Erin (
Characters, Pairing: Cain and DG, but if you saw 'em in the miniseries, they're here or mentioned. Plus some OCs
Rating: PG
Summary: Cain stayed in LA. But can he survive on the Other Side?
Warning: post-series, directly after California Queen. Blame
n_e_star, for she fed Steve. ;)
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This scene was actually a different scene that I wrote months ago... unfortunately, I didn't forsee the pants-debacle, so the scene didn't work anymore...
...unfortunately, I didn't foresee the pants-debacle, so the scene didn't work anymore...
The muses and plot-papays can be annoying like that. But I liked the pants-debacle so it's okay. It's kinda like how I have an engagement scene running through my head and I didn't even mean for them to get engaged this early in the game.
Originally, Jeb and the Queen were watching DG and Cain in the kitchen, laughing about something.
Oh well...
Maybe for one of the Clue endings
To tell you the truth, I like the sleeping better than the laughing.
That could work.
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