Fic: Spilled Drink

Jun 07, 2016 12:06

Title: Spilled Drink
Author: Erin (erinm_4600)
Characters, Pairing: ensemble and an OC
Rating: G
Summary: Stephen's first day back is a mess.
Warning: post-series, Correy's bio is HERE *written for Introducing... at gameofcards
Disclaimer: The original characters of Medical Investigation belong to NBC and their respective actors. The OCs are mine.

"Correy!" the barista called from behind the counter, reaching to set a plastic cup full of a concoction of some iced coffee mixed with a shot of this and the splash of that. A tiny blonde woman nudged through the crowd, trying to make her way up to claim the drink. She had exactly five minutes to get out of the building, down the block, and signed in for her shift at the National Institutes of Health.

Grabbing the cup, Abigail Correy flashed a smile to the woman who had called her name and spun around, smacking against a rather solid gentleman, with shock-white hair and the look of a D-line football player. The cup practically exploded in her hand, sending a wave of cold, sticky liquid all over him. Correy's eyes went wide, while he just stood there, trying not to react to the extreme cold soaking into his shirt.

"Oh, God!" she gasped, "I am SO sorry!" Someone to her right had clearly been thinking, and held out a handful of paper napkins. Correy grabbed them and started to dab at his shirt.

"It's-" he started, then held up his hands, stopping her. "Fine."

Correy shook her head and started to insist that she buy his drink, at least, before her phone started going off. "Damn," she whispered, and reached for the phone. Reading the message, she cursed under her breath and turned back to the staff, who were all watching, trying to decide just how much they were going to have to clean up. Correy called: "Whatever he wants. I'll be back at lunch to pay for it." Turning back to her victim, Correy gave him a sympathetic look and pointed toward the door. "Dryclean," she nodded to him. "Bring the bill to the desk at NIH. Correy," she added, pointing to herself. "I'm sorry. I have a patient. I am really sorry," she added again, stepping aside.

Stephen Connor watched as the now-frazzled doctor bolted for the door and across the street before turning to assess the damage to his shirt and his pride. So much for the first day back at work.


The team was gathering in the conference room, everyone taking turns to welcome Stephen back from his extended leave. The vacation with his son had been needed, and enjoyed more than even he realized.

"Where's Ab?" Miles asked, glancing around.

"She had a patient to deal with. She'll be here," Natalie replied, offering Stephen a cup of coffee.

"Ab?" he asked, taking a sip.

"Abigail," Natalie replied, giving him a smile. "Correy." Stephen's eyes shot up. "We had a spot to fill on the team and she was overly-qualified."

"She talks a good game of baseball, Connor," Frank supplied from his usual seat at the table. With that, the door opened and Correy breezed in, still looking as frazzled as Connor had seen her, earlier.

"Sorry," she apologized, dropping a stack of files on the table. The stack promptly shifted and sent half the folders to the floor. "Day has gone from trainwreck to war zone," she complained, reaching under the table to get the last folder. "And I never even got my coffee because I went a spilled it all over a giant, albino gorilla!"

Stephen actually snorted his coffee at that, while Frank - who had been the first to greet Stephen and his coffee-covered self, that morning, leaned forward to laugh heartily. It only took a second for Correy's eyes to move from Frank to Connor. Natalie looked between the three of them, then to the fresh shirt Stephen had been putting on when she spotted him, and made a face.

"Ohhh," she hummed, having been given a quick recap from Stephen as he changed. Eva and Miles were simply staring at everyone, trying to figure out what they'd missed.

Natalie, in an effort to cut the sudden tension in the room, smiled to Correy. "Abigail Correy, Stephen Connor," she motioned to him. "Director of the team..." Correy closed her eyes and ducked back under the table.

~challenge, fic: medical investigation, .gameofcards

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