Fic: Understudy

May 16, 2016 11:06

Title: Understudy
Author: Erin (erinm_4600)
Characters, Pairing: Mackie and Betty (mention of Hilary Booth)
Rating: G
Summary: The show must go on!
Warning: *Written for Prompt Bingo, Bingo Pt 2 at tv-universe. Prompt: Kiss my tiara
Disclaimer: The characters belong to their respective actors and Rupert Holmes. AMC dumped the crew, therefore they get ZERO credit. The OCs are mine.

"Mackie," Betty urged the stout actor, "we can find someone else to do it." They were short actors, today, thanks to a wave of the flu that had quickly spread through the neighborhood. The only reason she wasn't going to read the part was because there were still seventeen scripts to rewrite.

"I can handle this, Betty," Mackie told her, shaking his head with a smile that implied she didn't need to worry. "I know how to play multiple characters at one time. I'm trained for this." He leaned against the door to Studio B and shrugged. "Hilary Booth is not the only person on the planet who can play Glinda."

As the door closed behind him, Betty turned and muttered: "Yeah, but she's probably the only one who can actually drop a house on you."

~challenge, .tv_universe, fic: remember wenn

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