Fic: New Kid in Town

Mar 06, 2016 23:23

Title: New Kid in Town
Author: Erin (erinm_4600)
Characters, Pairing: DG, Adora, Jeb, Wyatt, and Gulch (mention of Carter)
Rating: G
Summary: Jeb isn't impressed by his new hometown... yet.
Warning: AU pre-series-ish *Written for Other Lives at gameofcards
Disclaimer: The original characters belong to L. Frank Baum and their respective actors. The current characters belong to Sci-Fi, the movie folks and their respective actors. The OCs are mine.

DG glanced up from behind the counter of the Hilltop Cafe, hearing the jingle of the bell over the door. "Hi," she called out before looking back down to her safety sheet. "You can grab a seat anywhere and I'll be right with you."

On the other side of the counter, a woman and teenaged boy moved between the tables and picked a pair of stools mid-counter. The boy didn't look too thrilled to be there, which was a feeling DG understood all too well. The woman gave him a glance and then a reassuring pat on the shoulder. "Give it a chance, Jay," she said quietly as DG came over with two glasses of water.

"Welcome," DG said, forcing a smile.

The woman returned the smile and nodded. "Thank you." Not hearing an immediate response from her son, she turned and raised an eyebrow. "Jay?"

"Thanks," he forced, along with a smile. "Where's the rest of your town?"

DG couldn't help but smirk. "Well," she leaned against the counter, "center of town is about a block that way and that way." She pointed out the corner window, and then off to the right. "And that's the rest of it." The look on his face made her smile. It was the same look she saw in the mirror every single day.

"Great," he replied with a huff and dropped his head into his arms, sliding along the countertop.

"Oh, come on, Jeb," Adora Cain sighed, giving a look from him to DG. "I'm sure there's plenty to do around here," she trailed off, giving DG a look that clearly said she knew that wasn't true. "We just arrived. We can't get the keys to the new house until noon, and the movers are now two days behind schedule."

DG grimaced and shook her head, but kept her tone chipper for Jeb. "Oh, there's all kinds of stuff to do here," she lied. "There's uh..." she drew a blank and made another face. "Well, there's..."

"This sucks, Mom," Jeb huffed.

Adora sighed and dropped her chin to her chest. "I know, Jeb. But your dad needs this job."

"I know," came a muffled reply.

DG gave Adora a smile and nodded to Jeb. "You like pancakes?" Jeb raised his head and looked at her. "Do you," she repeated, "like pancakes?"

"Yeah?" Jeb shrugged. Adora gave her a nod and DG smiled.

Leaning back slightly, DG turned to face the window leading to the kitchen. "Carter! Two pancakes! Load it up!" DG gave the new residents of town a nod and smiled. "Best damn pancakes in three counties." With another nod to Jeb, she continued: "How old are you?"

Jeb made a face and looked quickly from DG to his mother and back. "Uh, eighteen."

"Community college?" she prodded. Jeb shrugged. "There's one a few towns over. I go part-time. Most of the classes are broadcast in, from Wichita State. Hell of a lot cheaper than actually going to college. And you're home every night for dinner." She gave him a nod and smiled at Adora. "All it costs me is books and a couple tanks of gas for the bike."

"Bike?" Jeb asked, his curiosity piqued. Boring town or not, he was starting to like this waitress.

DG nodded and pointed toward the window. "That's my pride and joy, right there," she smiled, admiring the motorcycle parked alongside the building. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Gulch pulling into the parking lot and groaned. "Why is he coming in here?" she grumbled, frowning as she moved toward the cooler. "I was having such a good morning." Giving another nod to Jeb, DG continued: "You're about to meet the biggest pain in my ass. I'm very sorry for you." She forced a smile to him and turned as the door opened and Sheriff Elmer Gulch came into the restaurant.

It took a second for her to realize there was another man behind her worst enemy. "Missus Cain?" Gulch asked Adora, who had turned and stood up, seeing her husband behind him.

"Sheriff," she nodded, and turned slightly to nudge Jeb to stand. "It's nice to meet you." Jeb forced a smile and took Gulch's hand, fighting a smirk at the look on DG's face.

"Nice to meet you both, as well," Gulch nodded. "Well, I'll leave you here to get something to eat and settled and we'll see you first thing in the morning?" he said to Wyatt.

"Yes, sir," Wyatt nodded.

Gulch nodded again, and paused to give a questioning look toward DG. At the look she gave back, he just shook his head and nodded once again to Adora. "I'll see if I can't hunt down Shirley and get you those keys a little earlier."

"That would be great, thank you," Wyatt nodded. Of course, aside from the belongings packed into the truck, everything they owned was still two days out. Gulch nodded to Wyatt once more and excused himself before heading back to the parking lot and his cruiser.

DG gave a smile to Wyatt, trying to not look too annoyed at the idea of another cop in town, especially because she was starting to like the mom and son sitting across from her. "Coffee? Officer... Cain? Was it?"

Wyatt nodded and sat down next to his wife. "Yes, please."

"Dad, can I get a motorcycle?" Jeb asked, ignoring his pancakes.

"No." DG gave a look to Adora and promptly turned around to fetch the coffee and another order of pancakes.

~challenge, .gameofcards, fic: tin man

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