Fic: The Gift of Revenge

Jan 01, 2016 19:46

Title: The Gift of Revenge
Author: Erin (erinm_4600)
Characters, Pairing: Ruby and Tom (mention of Leroy)
Rating: G
Summary: His reaction warranted an apology note.
Warning: during the holiday season *Written for It's the Thought That Counts at lands_of_magic.
Disclaimer: The original characters belong to Disney and their respective actors. The OCs are mine.

Dear Ruby,

I wanted to say sorry for not being nicer at the party, the other night. I shouldn't have reacted the way I did, when you gave me that gift. Leroy told me that he told you that cologne was the one thing I wasn't allergic to. He was mad at me for other reasons and used you to get revenge, and I am sorry you had to get dragged into it.

I really am grateful for the gift, and your friendship. I have already found a place to display it, and any time someone asks about it, I will proudly tell them where it came from. I just hope that you'll understand why I don't use it.

By the way, Leroy's birthday is coming up. And, the one thing he hates the most is unicorns. I found a stuffed one that's pink with sparkly hair. You want in?


~challenge, .lands_of_magic, fic: once upon a time

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