Fic: Drama Call

Sep 26, 2015 22:58

Title: Drama Call
Author: Erin (erinm_4600)
Characters, Pairing: Catherine and Lindsey
Rating: G
Summary: Lindsey's got a new role to tell her mother about...
Warning: post-Catherine's exit *Written for Weekly Quick Fic #4 at writerverse. Prompt: Catherine Willows (CSI) and Mimi (La Boheme), with a side of Dramatics
Disclaimer: The original characters belong to CBS and the Bruckster. The OCs are mine.

The chat window popped up just as Catherine had finished watching the video her daughter had sent in an email. Making a face at what she'd just seen, Catherine clicked on the notification and smiled, seeing her daughter's face.

"Hey sweetheart," Catherine said, giving the younger girl a small wave.

"Hey, Mom. Did you watch it?" Lindsey asked, clearly excited.

Catherine nodded and leaned back in the chair. "It was... different." At the look on her daughter's face, Catherine sighed and sat up. "Linds, it's just... why do you keep choosing parts for hookers?" The video had been a clip from the movie version of RENT, specifically Out Tonight.

Lindsey groaned and shook her head. "She's not a hooker Mom. She's a stripper. And I'm choosing them because I want to follow in your footsteps the only way I can." At the look on her mother's face, Lindsey smiled and shook her head again. "I didn't pick it, Mom. Well," she corrected, "I did pick it, but all the numbers for the show were put in a hat and we had to pick them out. I could have been strapped to a broom and painted green."

Catherine rolled her eyes. "Yeah, yeah. When's the performance?" she asked, reaching for her cellphone.

"Friday night," Lindsey replied. "Don't worry, Mom. I've got three different iPhones already set to record for you. Plus, I think Jerry is bringing his GoPro." With a shrug, she added: "He's getting credit for film class or something."

Catherine gave her daughter a warm smile and nodded. "You'll be great, sweetheart. I'm very proud of you."

"So now would be a bad time to tell you I'm dropping out to become a stripper?" Lindsey deadpanned. Seeing her mother's reaction, Lindsey made a face and grinned.

"Brat," Catherine huffed.

~challenge, fic: csi, .writerverse

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