Fic: House of Bricks

Jan 31, 2015 10:37

Title: House of Bricks
Author: Erin (erinm_4600)
Characters, Pairing: Boris Swinton and Regina Mills (mention of Elsa and Zelena)
Rating: G
Summary: Regina gets into an argument with Storybrooke's general contractor
Warning: post-The Snow Queen by about half a day, or so... *Written for How Did It Happen? at onceuponaland
Disclaimer: The original characters belong to Disney and their respective actors. The OCs are mine.

There was a snap in the air, but Boris tried not to let it bother him. The cold came to Storybrooke every year, after all. However, this time around, there was a different feeling in the air. He knew it had to do with the new arrival, and he'd heard enough mumblings around town to know it probably had everything to do with no one being able to remember what had happened.

Whatever, though; he wasn't paid to worry about the magical crap in Storybrooke. He stayed out of the way and did his work and went home each night.

This morning, though, he was standing in front of a giant hole in the side of one of the most indestructible walls in town. If he didn't know better, Boris would have assumed a bomb had gone off, as nothing was strong enough to break through that wall. And he should know, because he built it.

But, here he stood, facing the gaping hole.

It wasn't impossible to repair, but it wasn't going to be easy. There were load-bearing beams that had to be replaced, which meant temporary supports would need to be erected. The plumbing and wiring was another issue, entirely. And the whole side of the building would have to be re-bricked, and he knew the lumberyard didn't have enough in stock.

Well, there would be enough if no one minded a patchwork of colored bricks...

"Is this going to take long?" a grating voice came, from behind.

Closing his eyes, Boris said a silent curse and replied: "Of course not, Madame Mayor. I can have this fixed in an hour." He didn't need to turn to see the glare on Regina's face, but he did anyway. Waving toward the hole, he continued: "Slap a little paint on it, and you'll never know there was a hole."

Ask a stupid question...

Regina huffed, hands shoved in her pockets, and rolled her eyes. "How long will it take?" she forced out in a calm tone.

"Longer than you want to know," Boris commented, stepping around her. He needed to get a notepad from his truck.

"What kind of professional answer is that?" she demanded, following after him.

"The realistic one!" Boris called over his shoulder.

"We can't have a hole in the side of our jail, Boris!" she insisted, as if he didn't know that.

"You want a miracle," Boris replied, and turned slightly. Waving his hand to the building, his reply was simply: "Why don't you just-" he waved his hand again, indicating she fix it magically. Regina started to reply, but he cut her off. "Look, Madame Mayor, I can only repair so much damage around here. The last few years," his head shook side to side, "you've brought on more destruction than this town is supplied for."

"I have not!" Regina spat, offended that any of the past events had been her fault. Boris, however, had never been phased by her threats.

"Last time I checked, Home Depot doesn't deliver to Storybrooke." With an ambivalent shrug, he offered: "If you want this one fixed," he nodded to the police station, "you better put in a call to your sister's friends and see if they have any extra bricks lying around."

The glare that brought on didn't phase him, either.

Boris was created for a previous challenge at onceuponaland. Since the posts for that are locked, his bio:
Storybrooke Name: Boris Swinton (played by Ciaran Hinds) [picspam]
Fairytale Name: Woody
Age: mid-50s (<--I actually aged him up, after the castingfact)
Basic Bio: Boris is a building contractor in Storybrooke, usually called upon for the more major repairs around town (and with all the curses being thrown about, he's been busy). He had two brothers also in the business, but hasn't seen them in years. In Storybrooke, Boris is friends with Marco, supplying the older man with wood scraps from leftover projects; back in the Enchanted Forest, he was also friends with Marco, not to mention the dwarves, helping to construct the pylons and supports in their mine. On either side, he doesn't like Ruby, but has told her before it's nothing personal on her. He just doesn't trust wolves.

~challenge, graphics: once upon a time, fic: once upon a time, .onceuponaland, ~picspam, non-fic: once upon a time

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