Fic: Home for Christmas

Dec 27, 2014 19:11

Title: Home for Christmas
Author: Erin (erinm_4600)
Characters, Pairing: Grissom and Catherine
Rating: G
Summary: Grissom's back for the holiday
Warning: written for the Holiday Prompt Meme challenge at gameofcards. Prompt: "I'll be home for Christmas."
Disclaimer: The original characters belong to CBS and the Bruckster. The OCs are mine.

Catherine made a face as she considered where to place the ornament. The tree was pretty much full, between the lights, garland, and other ornaments. But, somehow, she still had three left.

"A little to the left," she heard, and turned to look over her shoulder.

Grissom was standing in the doorway, giving her a smile as he watched her work.

Catherine lowered the ornament and turned to face him. "When did you get here?" she asked, moving over to him.

"About five minutes ago," Grissom replied.

Catherine's brow furrowed. "And you said nothing?"

Grissom smirked. "Just enjoying the view."

~challenge, .gameofcards, ~drabble, fic: csi

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