Fic: Five Times Ruby Tended to the Sick...

Sep 08, 2014 23:25

Title: Five Times Ruby Tended to the Sick... and One Time Someone Tended to Her
Author: Erin (erinm_4600)
Characters, Pairing: Ruby (mentions of most everyone in Storybrooke)
Rating: G
Summary: After a cold snap hits Storybrooke, Ruby is tasked to deliver Granny's soup to the sick
Warning: *Written for Five Times Fic at lands_of_magic The last one is for dj_rocca
Disclaimer: The original characters belong to Disney and their respective actors. The OCs are mine.

Rumpelstiltskin (143)
Ruby tightened her grip on the brown paper bag, leaning slightly to look around it as she reached the curb. The air had a definite snap, letting her know that snow would be falling just after dark. For now, in that time between lunch and dinner, the street was quiet.

As she reached the door to Gold's shop, Ruby took a deep breath and shook her head. Granny didn't seem too enthused when she found Ruby packing up two helpings of chicken noodle soup. According to her, the Dark One could use his dark magic to cure the head cold he'd come down with.

Ruby just nodded, but didn't stop putting together the care package. Regardless of how she - or anyone - felt about the relationship, Belle was her friend. And when Belle asked Ruby to bring him some soup, Ruby agreed.

Roland (125)
"This is the very best soup in all of Storybrooke," Ruby said to a miserable-looking Roland, who was slumped against his father's shoulder. "My Granny made it, especially for you," she added, giving the little boy a wink.

"You really didn't have to," Robin told her, though he was thankful for having one less thing to do that afternoon.

"It's no trouble," Ruby replied. "Granny always makes soup for Regina, whenever Henry gets a bug." The mayor had been in the diner that morning, placing a lunchtime order for Roland. "There's lots of yummy things in here," once again directing her words to Roland. "Except for the carrots," she added in a stage whisper then made a face, which got a smile from the boy.

David (113)
"Thank you, Ruby," Mary Margaret said as she helped pull items from Ruby's bag. From upstairs, the sound of David's sneezing echoed down to the kitchen, where the girls were standing.

"That sounds lovely," Ruby mumbled, making a face at the sound the followed.

"He thinks he's going to die," Mary Margaret replied with a sigh.

"It sounds like it," Ruby countered, glancing up at another round of sneezes. "Where are Henry and Emma staying?" she asked, noting the silence in the apartment.

"Henry's staying with Regina. Emma's staying at the station."

Ruby made another face. "That sounds cozy."

"Staying with Regina or staying at the station?" Mary Margaret asked with a chuckle.

Leroy (129)
"Go away, Red," Leroy grumbled as he rolled over. He was currently wearing a scarf, a hat, gloves, and covered in three blankets, but he just couldn't get warm.

"No," Ruby huffed. "I'm not leaving until you have eaten half of this," she threatened, holding the bowl of soup. With a mastered balance, she lifted a leg and nudged Leroy's hip with her heel.

"Hey!" he growled, turning toward her. Thankfully, she'd expected his reaction, and was able to keep the bowl steady.

"Sit up, you big grump!" she told him, making a face to counter the look he was currently giving her. Leroy huffed again, but did as ordered and pulled himself up to sitting. Ruby sat down on the mattress and held the bowl out. "It's hot."

Emma (158)
"Emma!" Ruby called from the empty squad room. Setting down the bag from the diner, Ruby moved further into the station and sniffed the air. "Emma?" she called again. It took a moment, but she finally caught the blonde's scent and turned toward the hallway leading back toward the restroom.

"Emma?" she called again, stopping just outside the door. "Em? You in there?"

"Yeah," she heard a moment later.

"Are you okay?" Ruby asked, leaning closer to the door.

"Not really," she heard again. There was a moment of silence, followed by the sound of the toilet flushing. Hearing the handle clicking, Ruby stepped back and her eyes went wide as Emma appeared in front of her.

"You look like crap." Emma grumbled and leaned against the door frame, looking a bit green.

"Snow asked me to bring you a sandwich, but," Ruby grimaced, "but I think you might need some soup, same as the rest of town."

Ruby (219)
"No, I have to-" Ruby started to turn back toward the counter, but everything started spinning. Next to her, Archie reached to help hold her upright.

"No, Ruby," he replied in a calm tone, "you have done enough." He'd been sitting at the counter, having a grilled cheese sandwich with tomato soup, when Ruby lost her balance behind the counter and knocked a dirty glass to the floor. He was up in a second and behind the counter.

"I just need to sit down," she said between sharp breaths, turning her head toward his voice. "You smell good," she mumbled.

"Well, I knew you'd be here, so I took a shower," he said simply, leaning down to hook an arm behind her knees as she laughed, and lifted her up in a swift move.

Granny came out from the kitchen a moment later and her eyes went wide, seeing Archie holding Ruby behind the counter. "I think she's got it," Archie declared, taking care to turn Ruby and himself around without knocking anything off the counter.

"Wouldn't surprise me," Granny replied as she followed behind him, ushering the few patrons in the diner out of the way. "She's been around every single person in this town who's had it. You'll probably get it next," she added, motioning to him.

~challenge, .lands_of_magic, fic: once upon a time

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