Fic: The Alley

Aug 13, 2014 23:08

Title: The Alley
Author: Erin (erinm_4600)
Characters, Pairing: Wyatt and Adora, a criminal, and two green Tin Men
Rating: PG-13 (aka Erin!Porn)
Summary: Back alley quickies should be left to the professionals...
Warning: pre-series, slightly-AU *Written for Round 76 of prompt-in-a-box. Prompt #18: stealth and Back Alley Banging from Torrid Tuesday at 1_million_words
Disclaimer: The original characters belong to L. Frank Baum and their respective actors. The current characters belong to Sci-Fi, the movie folks and their respective actors. The OCs are mine.

Adora sighed and took the chance to close her eyes for a moment, feeling the weight of Wyatt pressing her against the brick wall. Any other time and place, this might be a romantic rendezvous; but here and now, it was just work. "Are you sure he's coming down this alley?" she murmured, feeling everything go fuzzy for a brief moment, as Wyatt sucked on her neck.

He pulled back just enough to give the impression that he was simply getting a better angle, and replied: "There's only one way out of there and it's through here." Before Adora could respond, he kissed her jaw and added: "You're not enjoying this?"

Adora rolled her eyes and fought a smile. "Well, it's not exactly the most romantic spot in Central City," she replied, her breath hitching for a moment as Wyatt's fingers grazed her thigh. "Gonna need three baths to get whatever's on this wall out of my hair," she continued, draping an arm over his shoulder as someone passed at the end of the alley.

A moment later, there was the distinct clang of a door opening, followed by an almost immediate second clang as the door shut. "Go time," she whispered, putting a little more effort into her current position.

"Is it him?" Wyatt asked, shifting his weight to a more suggestive stance. Not that he didn't enjoy any excuse to make out with his wife, of course, but he was getting dangerously close to too worked up. Well, she could get him worked up simply by entering a room. Still, there was only so far he wanted to take this little charade, especially if their target started running.

"Mmhmmm," Adora hummed, adding volume to help sell the act as their target hurried past them. Adora lifted her leg slightly, pulling herself up just enough so that Wyatt would have to hold her up, and she smiled as his hand pulled the fabric of her dress up, showing off her thigh. The target slowed slightly - which was just what Adora had been hoping for - and he watched for a moment before a shout from the end of the alley caught his attention.

Adora instinctively looked that way, silently cursing their backup for not keeping quiet, and when the suspect turned back, their eyes met and he realized he was in trouble. "Damnit," Adora breathed as she pushed Wyatt back. "Don't look back!" she called to the suspect as he ran toward freedom. However, on her instruction, he did just the opposite, and tripped over his own feet, toppling to the ground in a heap.

"Told you not to look back," Adora said through heavy breaths as she caught up to him. The two sergeants who had jumped the gun and spooked the suspect arrived just as the man was trying to push himself up, and they held him down long enough to put handcuffs on him. They were lifting him to his feet when Wyatt finally arrived at Adora's side.

"Lookin' a little pale there, Tin Man," Adora said, reaching up to pat his cheek as she continued to catch her own breath.

"Yeah, well.. too much blood went to the other brain," he told her, watching as the suspect was being put into the back of the patrol car. Adora smiled at him and raised an eyebrow. "I hate working on my birthday," he said a moment later. Adora fought a smile and curled her arm around his, letting out a deep sigh as they watched the car pull away. They were going to have to return to the station to file arrest reports, and then came the interrogation.

"At least you're already in the mood to be the mean one," Adora told him, pressing a kiss to his shoulder. Wyatt simply huffed. Adora gave him a look he very rarely could ignore and pulled away. Her hand found his and she pulled him the rest of the way out of the alley. "Come on, Tin Man. There's still plenty of crime to fight."

Wyatt grumbled, but followed. As they cleared the corner, Wyatt glanced at the sky and, in a stern voice, told his wife: "That does not count as my birthday present."

~challenge, .prompt_in_a_box, fic: tin man

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