Fic: Idle Threats

Aug 12, 2014 19:25

Title: Idle Threats
Author: Erin (erinm_4600)
Characters, Pairing: Adora, Zero, Azkadellia, and Longcoats (mention of Glitch and Raw)
Rating: PG-13 (language)
Summary: He's making threats and she's staying calm.
Warning: Part One AU; follows Hell Hath No Fury by about a day *Written for Weekly Quick Fic #11 at writerverse Prompt: Sore Loser and Uncomfortable Conversations.
Disclaimer: The original characters belong to L. Frank Baum and their respective actors. The current characters belong to Sci-Fi, the movie folks and their respective actors. The OCs are mine.

"I thought you were dead," Zero nearly purred, smirking as he groped Adora's chest. One of his goons had already taken her pistol, but the Longcoat wasn't about to assume she wasn't hiding another weapon somewhere on her person.

Adora jerked back as far as she could go, still being held by the soldiers. "Get your hands off me, you sick Son of a bitch," Adora hissed through gritted teeth. She didn't want to give Zero the satisfaction of a reaction as his hands roamed under her jacket.

"If I'd known just how much of a fighter you were," Zero grinned, "I'd have brought you back to camp."

"You might want to take a step back," Adora warned. "I think I might throw up." She turned her face away and glared at the wall. If the jackass on her right would move his hand just an inch, she would be able to twist out of his hold and probably break his arm.

"Zero," they all heard, and everyone looked toward the doorway. Azkadellia was standing there, half a step away from hands on her hips, with an unimpressed glare. "Bring them." Zero waited for the sorceress to turn before giving her a dirty look then turned back. Giving a wave to the men holding Glitch and Raw, Zero took a step to one side and motioned for them to start moving.

"Should have stayed in your suit," he told Adora with another smirk as he nodded for the men to take her out of the abandoned room. "There won't be anyone to protect you in prison," he sighed, tilting his head as she passed, so he could get a look at her backside.

~challenge, .writerverse, fic: tin man

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