Fic: My Friend, Benny G

May 21, 2014 22:58

Title: My Friend, Benny G
Author: Erin (erinm_4600)
Characters, Pairing: Steve Rogers (mention of Natasha and Peggy)
Rating: G
Summary: Steve has a little piece of home in the future
Warning: post-Winter Soldier, but no spoilers. *Written for It's a Two-Parter! Part One at avland
Disclaimer: The original characters belong to Marvel, Joss, Disney, and their respective actors. The OCs are mine.

Natasha continues to needle him to get out and meet someone, but he just isn't ready. Steve knows she means well, but seeing Peggy just reminds him that he still hasn't adjusted to this new world. He doesn't fit in here, and it shouldn't bother him.

But, for some reason, it does.

It was happenstance that he found a bar in the old neighborhood, still pouring drinks. He can sit in the back corner, letting the simple sounds of a jazz horn waft through the air - not nearly as jarring as the noise that seems to be coming from every car or truck that passes him on the street.

In here, the only person who bothers him is the waitress, just long enough to refresh his glass.

In here, Steve is home.

~challenge, fic: marvelverse, .avland

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