three fandom letters (CSI, CSI/Enchanted, Tin Man)

Sep 14, 2013 13:56

for the Take Note challenge at the_deepbluesea

Fandom: CSI [post-Jackpot]
Disclaimer: The original characters belong to CBS and the Bruckster.


By the time you get this, I probably quit. Seriously.

I am off tomorrow, and already have plans with my child, so DO NOT call me.

I mean it. I don't care if Miss Piggy is on fire.

I won't answer.

A head in a bucket is NO excuse for leaving me with a pile of YOUR work. In fact, pile is too nice a word.


What's worse is that you assumed I would do it.

That's just rude. And mean and sneaky and a lot of other words I can't think of right now, because I’m tired and I've had a long day and I'm mad for other reasons besides you.

In fact, you're just lucky I'm mad at someone else more than I am you, right now.

If you were here, I might just shoot you.

I hope your little excursion was fun, because I'm about to make your life Hell.


PS: I'm glad you're back.

Fandom: CSI/Enchanted [from the Grissom&Giselle 'verse]
Disclaimer: The original characters belong to CBS and the Bruckster. Enchanted belongs to Disney.


I've been holding on to these adoption papers for about a week, now, trying to work up the nerve to sign them. It's not that I don't want to sign them, because I do. It's just that doing so means I've, once again, decided what's best for you without asking you first. And I've been doing that a lot lately. So, maybe if I tell you my side, you'll be able to make a decision for yourself. And, I promise you this: whatever you decide is the right choice.

My life is separated into two distinct boxes: Before Giselle and After Giselle. Really, that's what the labels would say, if they were real boxes, with labels. Life before the hotel was always very clinical, if not institutional. Even I know that I was a pain in the ass. After the hotel, it was like I'd woken up from a very strange dream. And, let's face it: That hotel was a very strange place. Because of that place, I remembered that I can laugh. I can smile. And, most importantly, I don't live to work.

That's because of you, Giselle.

I kidnapped you from that place, the same as they kidnapped you from your home. I know that you didn't want to go back, because I could see it in your eyes. Still, I was selfish. I didn't want them to keep you. And, as I hoped you would, you followed me. Blindy. Without any regard for anything but a blatant and absolute trust in me. I think you would have believed that the sky was purple polka dots if I'd told you so.

Every experience you have had has been a new one, and I had to train myself to see things from your point of view. The rest of my team, not to mention anyone who knew me, thought I had lost my mind, but I realized I like this 'new side'. I softened, and remembered that I actually used to be a pretty fun guy. Even more, changing my viewpoint gave me a refreshed insight while processing crime scenes. Thinking about how you would look at the evidence actually helped us solve at least two mysterious cases.

I really like the man I've become, knowing you; and while I was always a loner, I got used to having you around. I've been your protector, your guardian, your teacher, your support, your friend... your family. You have been my conscience, my innocence, my questioner, my student, my friend. My family. I know you aren't planning to leave Las Vegas, but I want you to know that I am intent on keeping my word.

No one believed that our relationship was completely innocent, but as long as it didn't get back to you, I could ignore it. Catherine had even asked me, that first night, if you were my daughter. I told her 'No', of course, but every night after, watching you explore this world, I couldn't help but think about what I had missed out on. And, as time has progressed, I realize that if I did have a daughter of my own, I would want her to be just like you.

For all intents and purposes, you are old enough to be considered an adult, so this process is mostly unnecessary. But, officially, there is no one to claim you, in case of an emergency. Yes, I know we filled out papers that first week, so that I would be called in case something happened. But these papers, Giselle, would officially make us family.

Again, whatever you decide is the right answer, and I will never turn you away. As a friend, a daughter, even a partner in crime, I love you, with all my heart.


PS: Never let Catherine see this. She'll never let me live down the mush.

Fandom: Tin Man [pre-series]
Disclaimer: The original characters belong to L. Frank Baum and their respective actors. The current characters belong to Sci-Fi, the movie folks and their respective actors.


I know you can't read this, so I'm not sure why I'm even writing it. Mother is gone. I wasn't there to protect her. I should have been there. We shouldn't have been in that part of the Zone at all, really. I don't even know why Zero was so intent on finding her. She would never say why he was following us.

She never said a lot about anything since that day.

She's never been the same since that day.

I can only hope she found her way back to you.

Please, take care of her.


.the_deepbluesea, non-fic: random, non-fic: csi, series: grissom&giselle, non-fic: tin man, fic: tin man, ~challenge, ~crossover

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