Fic: Shirts and Skirts

Jun 29, 2013 02:55

Title: Shirts and Skirts
Author: Erin (erinm_4600)
Characters, Pairing: Grissom, Aeryn, Apophis, Ardala (mention of Chiana, Rygel, Crichton, and Buck)
Rating: PG
Summary: Grissom and Aeryn are on the run, while Ardala has her sights set on a new husband.
Warning: Written for the Holy Team-ups, Batman! challenge at tv_universe. Inspired by/follows THIS scene, over at stumble_inn and set entirely in the universe of csi_uncharted.
Disclaimer: CSI belong to CBS and the Bruckster. Farscape belongs to Rockne and Jim Henson, as well as Sci-Fi. Stargate SG-1 and all its bits and pieces belong to the folks at Gekko, Showtime and Sci-Fi. Buck Rogers in the 25th Century belongs to Glen Larson and Universal. The characters also belong to them, as well as their respective actors. The original characters and the setting of csi_uncharted are mine and bizarra's.

Grissom and Aeryn

"If he didn't make this deal, I'm going to kill him," Grissom grumbled as he glanced around yet another corner. Behind him, Aeryn Sun was double-checking the charge of her pulse pistol.

"Not if I kill him first," she replied. At present, the coast was clear, but it was only a matter of time before another squad came through.

The plan had been simple: Get in. Find the contact. Make the deal. Get the hell out.

Unfortunately, no one had told the two idiots who decided that the distraction of the courtship gala in the main salon was the perfect time for them to rob the central vaults.

Now, Rygel and Chiana were trapped inside the main salon; Grissom and Aeryn were on the run, assumed the thieves; and thanks to the maze of corridors, neither he nor Aeryn knew where they were.

"Gah," Grissom groaned, lowering his arm. Aeryn turned, concern all over her face, and she sprinted back to his side. In their escape, he'd been shot by a weapon that wasn't energy-based, and the entire shoulder of his black shirt was starting to have a distinctly red tinge.

"Use your other hand," she said, nodding to his injury. Grissom glanced up at her as the pain passed and his eyebrow went up.

"We're not all trained to hold a gun with either hand, Officer Sun." Aeryn rolled her eyes, a look most often reserved for Crichton, and she pushed around him.

"Stay behind me," she ordered, then gave another look around the corner. Nodding that it was clear, Aeryn darted across the open space and ducked into an alcove, then waved for Grissom to follow. Once he was behind her, Aeryn glanced up to see if there was any clue as to which part of the structure they were in.

"It's no use," Grissom huffed, wincing as he reached for his elbow. His entire arm was starting to go numb and his vision was starting to double.

"I thought I was the one to be pemistic," Aeryn stated.

"Pessimistic," Grissom corrected dryly and then nodded to the ground. There were fresh drops of blood alongside some already starting to dry. "We circled around."

Aeryn let out a heavy curse and twisted back as the sound of marching boots started to get louder. Running her hand from his elbow to the damp shirtsleeve, Aeryn wiped the excess blood on a drier part of his shirt. "Go this way," she ordered, pulling Grissom's good arm as she headed for a large column that they could hide behind.

Apophis and Ardala

In his search for a new bride, Apophis had yet to be impressed by any of the weak races he had encountered. As he was on the run from the System Lords, however, the Goa'uld had found himself in the Uncharted Territories, where no one knew who he was or anything of his race.

Here, he wasn't the vanquished System Lord. This was a galaxy with no leadership, no hope, no will to fight back. It was his for the taking.

As he had traveled through the stars, learning about his competition, Apophis had come to know the races to avoid, as well as the ones to befriend - if the Goa'uld actually understood the concept, that is. He knew that the Draconian king was his greatest threat, so when the only unmarried daughter had put together a gathering of the most eligible males, it only made sense that he attend.

A union between the two races would ensure his place in the Uncharted Territories, and from what he had seen of Princess Ardala, so far, it wouldn't be very long to wait.

Ardala was clearly unimpressed with the turnout, though no one would know it thanks to her amazing ability to look and act interested. She had to admit that, of all those in attendance, there were a select few who would at least be a challenge in bed, but none really had the intellect she was hoping for.

These three had all the money, but she had more than enough riches; those two clearly were only present because their fathers had insisted - and they were spending more time eying each other, anyway.

The only one who had even remotely piqued her interest was the Hynerian, but while he shared her determination, he didn't do anything for her the way Buck did. Oh, how she had wished for Buck, instead. But nothing she could do got his attention.

As she smiled at the male captivated by her beauty, Ardala glanced across the room and eyed the man dressed in gold. He spoke in a deep voice, and acted like he was God's gift... but she had to admit that he was extremely attractive.

Even if he seemed to be more comfortable if he was in her clothes rather than his own.

[click for full-size]

series: uncharted, graphics: farscape, fic: buck rogers in the 25th century, graphics: buck rogers in the 25th centur, fic: csi, graphics: stargate, ~challenge, .tv_universe, graphics: csi, fic: stargate sg-1, ~crossover, fic: farscape

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