Fic: Torn

Jan 06, 2012 09:54

Title: Torn
Author: Erin (erinm_4600)
Characters, Pairing: Stephen Connor (mention of Team NIH)
Rating: G
Summary: How was this one, stupid decision making him sweat?
Warning: post-series *Written for Round 46 of prompt-in-a-box. Prompt: #12 "torn"
Disclaimer: The original characters of Medical Investigation belong to NBC and their respective actors. The OCs are mine.

Stephen Connor was a man of great conviction. He knew what he wanted and how to go about getting things done. His 'never give up'-attitude hadn't earned him many friends, and those who he considered his friends were constantly being warned that associating with him was bad for their futures.

When it came right down to it, Stephen knew that someone had to make the hard decisions. It was why he was the boss, why he was the one constantly butting heads with his superiors. He was protecting his team from the bureaucratic crap so that they could save lives.

Steven knew nothing was ever easy, and making the hard choice because it was the right thing to do did actually keep him up most nights. Everything hinged on Stephen knowing what he was talking about. What if he was wrong? What if his decision only made things worse?

Okay, that rarely happened.

Here and now, through, Stephen really was questioning himself. He was at a crossroads, staring down two distinct courses of action and his mind was racing. Either option had its advantages, and choosing one would invariably bring the question of 'What if I'd chosen that, instead?'

He had faced contagions, board members, armed rebels... his ex-wife. How was this one, stupid decision making him sweat?

Glancing up again, Stephen's icy blue eyes stared at the woman waiting for his answer. His team was also watching him, waiting with raised eyebrows and skeptical looks.

"I'll... have the pie."

~challenge, .prompt_in_a_box, fic: medical investigation

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