Fic: Late-Night Phone Calls

Oct 31, 2011 22:38

Title: Late-Night Phone Calls
Author: Erin (erinm_4600)
Characters, Pairing: Grissom and Catherine
Rating: high-PG (implied Grissom/Catherine)
Summary: When answering the phone in the middle of the night, make sure it's your phone.
Warning: middle of the night, the evening following Catherine's Revenge *Written for Round 43 of prompt-in-a-box. Prompt: #06 "believe" *for gatechic, because we need more GRILLOWS. ♥
Disclaimer: The original characters belong to CBS and the Bruckster.

Waiting in Line | Grissom's Big Experiment | Mischief Mostly Managed | Catherine's Revenge | Late-Night Phone Calls | Romantic Getaway

The annoying ring of a cell phone got a grumbling groan out of Catherine as she reached blindly for the offending noise. Lifting her head from the pillow, she opened one eye just enough to see where the phone was in relation to her hand and dropped her head back down as she felt the plastic case.

"Willows," she mumbled, half into the phone and half into the pillow.

"Cath?" she heard from Nick, sounding thoroughly confused. "Uh... why are you answering Grissom's phone?" Catherine's eyes shot open and she pulled the phone away from her ear as she flipped the lamp on.

"Hell," she breathed and pulled the phone back to her ear. "I must've picked his up by mistake," she said, and then quickly added: "The other day. What's up?" In her defense, all their phones looked the same. A shifting of the mattress caused her to turn further and she could see Grissom's sleepy eyebrow raised in her direction.

"I was trying to catch Grissom. We've got an All Hands-call and Atwater is over-riding vacation days. Which means..." he trailed off.

Catherine sighed heavily and reached up with her free hand to push her hair out of her face. "Sorry, Nicky. I don't have a car. It's uh.. in the shop," she lied. "Overnight." Giving another look to Grissom, Catherine glared at the look he was giving her. "I'll call as soon as they open, but... he's gonna have to do without me, tonight."

At that comment, Grissom’s eyebrow went up. He'd love to be in the room when Nick passed that message along. He flinched a second later, as her hand connected with his chest. "Nick, I have to go. I'll check in later, okay?" She didn't actually wait for Nick to reply for hanging up and glaring at Grissom.

"Shut up."

"I said nothing," Grissom replied, waving his hand at her. A minute later, Catherine's phone rang. Holding his hand out, Grissom waited for Catherine to pass it over. "Catherine's phone," he answered, making another face at Catherine as she grabbed him in a rather sensitive spot. "Nick. What can I do for you tonight?" he asked, a bit stronger than he'd intended.

"Hey, Gris. We've got an All Hands. Atwater wants everyone in."

"And you drew the short straw?" he asked, swatting Catherine's hand away. Nick didn't have to reply for Grissom to know the Texan had a guilty smile on his face. "I'd love to help out, but, my flight doesn't leave until ten."

"Flight?" Nick replied. "You said you were taking a few days off so you could ride the coaster."

Grissom nodded to the empty hotel room and smiled. "I did. But you didn't ask what state the roller coaster was in." There was silence on the other end of the line, as Nick processed this information. "I'll be in at six, as scheduled."

Nick let out a heavy sigh, knowing what he was in for when he told Sheriff Atwater that neither Grissom or Catherine would be coming in early. "All right.. Maybe I can get Warrick to pick Catherine up on his way," he said, more thinking out loud.

Grissom looked at Catherine and her eyes widened as his smirk grew. "Don't bother."

"Why not?"

"Her flight doesn't leave until ten," he said, quickly ending the call and throwing up his arm and she lunged for him. He laughed as she rattled off a string of names and tightened his hold on her wrists so that he could pull her down on top of him.

"Why did you do that?" she asked, partly pissed off and slightly impressed.

"They were gonna find out, sooner or later," he shrugged, enjoying his view.

"I was hoping for later," she mumbled.

Grissom snorted and glanced toward the door to their room. "Yeah, do you really think he'll believe me?"

Catherine shifted her weight and settled over top of him. "Well, when we show up with tans..."

Grissom made another face and shook his head. "We live in Las Vegas. We always have tans."

Catherine shook her head and leaned forward to kiss his shoulder. "Different sun in Florida. Different tan," she whispered before kissing his neck, just below the ear.

Grissom pushed her up with a smirk, sitting up himself, and raised an eyebrow as she looked at him. "Maybe I should check you for tan lines."

Now, it was Catherine's turn for the raised eyebrow.

~challenge, .prompt_in_a_box, fic: csi

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