Picspam: Peacemakers/Tin Man

Oct 29, 2011 20:40

for the When Jim Met Steve challenge at tvrealm

Milltown: The Silver City of the O.Z.

A lifetime ago, Milltown was, as Father Vue told DG, "the jewel of the O.Z."1 It was so called this because of a silver mine in the area which was home to the vein that produced Dorothy Gale's infamous silver slippers. It wasn't always called Milltown, though. Long, long ago, back when it was a vibrant, raucous town, it was known as "Silver City". Humans were plentiful and life was good.

City folks would find their way to Silver City, to try and strike it rich, to get away from it all... some simply came for a visit and never left. Silver City was not immune to crime, but with the help of some trusted allies - the town mortician and an investigator from the city - Marshal Jared Stone kept the town in line while constantly fighting the urge to shoot the Mayor.

As time passed, and technology manifested into the machines of today, Units were brought in to tend the mines and make repairs to the machines taking over the town. For the most part, the Units and the humans got along, though there was always the occasional scuffle. Soon, the Units outnumbered the humans and, as the mine "went dry", the humans moved back to Central City or one of the many small towns in-between. As there was no silver left, the Units started calling their home Milltown, once again.

Leaving the crumbling town to fend for itself, the Units continued on with their assigned tasks; working the empty mine, fixing broken and antiquated machinery and simply living in their own way. When Azkadellia came through, searching for the Emerald of the Eclipse, she made no effort to spare the Units as her Longcoats raided the town.2

The Units took it a little personally.

Following Azkadellia's destructive swath, the Units decided that no humans would ever be allowed in their town again, and anyone who ignored the posted signs were on their own. Life for the denizens of Milltown continued on, peacefully, until, one day, four people ignored the signs...

1 "Fifteen years past, Milltown was the jewel of the O.Z." - Father Vue
2 "Milltown's been erased. Azkadellia's term for cleansing history." - Wyatt Cain

+ Tin Man caps from mercscilla, with thanks
+ Peacemakers caps from, with thanks

graphics: peacemakers, graphics: tin man, non-fic: peacemakers, .tvrealm, non-fic: tin man, ~challenge, ~picspam, ~crossover

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