10 Farscape icons and a silly IM conversation

Sep 10, 2011 12:38

for Challenge 14 at farscape_land



for Challenge 07 at farscape_land
Write a non-verbal conversation between two Farscape characters. It can be email, im, text message, or just scribbled notes - anything but actually talking.

IASA Internal Messaging (John's screen)

10.02 DK.Knox said: Hey
10.02 DK.Knox said: Are you still whining about the pinstripes?
10.04 JCrichton2.0 said: I never whine
10.05 DK.Knox said: But you're still brooding, then?
10.06 JCrichton2.0 said: No, I'm festering
10.06 JCrichton2.0 said: It's not like it will add any weight
10.09 DK.Knox said: You're really going to hold out on two stupid pieces of reflective tape???
10.11 JCrichton2.0 said: It's my ship and I want the damn stripes!!
10.15 DK.Knox said: You do realize that those two pieces of "stupid tape" are going to add another $5000 to the budget, right?
10.17 JCrichton2.0 said: 5grand for TAPE? What the hell tape are they buying? I can get electrical tape from the hardware store for about a buck and put it on myself!
10.18 DK.Knox said: You're not Union.
10.19 JCrichton2.0 said: it's TAPE.
10.21 DK.Knox said: Dude. Accept the fact you can't have the pinstripes and move on.
10.23 JCrichton2.0 said: Never!
10.24 DK.Knox said: Lunch?
10.26 JCrichton2.0 said: Fine
10.27 DK.Knox said: Don't sound so overjoyed.
10.28 JCrichton2.0 said: Bite me.
10.30 DK.Knox said: Rather have a burger. Be ready in 5.
(DK.Knox has logged off)

~challenge, .farscape_land, non-fic: farscape, ~icons, icons: farscape

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